✝️ The Autism Supremacist Cow Cow Christofascist ✝️ on Nostr: The right lost the culture war because it didn't show up and fight. Stories and art ...
The right lost the culture war because it didn't show up and fight.
Stories and art are the DNA of culture. They are how civilizations transmit their values.
But at some point, perhaps because artists and storytellers needs access to a full range of human emotions to tell compelling stories, a whole bunch of right wing dudes decided that art was for sissies and homos, and they wanted nothing whatsoever to do with it.
They wouldn't make it, they wouldn't read it, they wouldn't buy it, they wouldn't sponsor it, they wouldn't even hang out with people who did.
They would do manly things, like go fight forever wars for Boeing, Lockheed, and Halliburton stockholders.
Well, this may be all well and good, and you don't get cooties from watching Disney flicks with your wife, but once the left has marched over all the ground you ceded, taking over art entirely with messages that can be as ridiculous as they please, because they are unopposed...
After storytelling is entirely a left wing profession, and what few right-wingers who willing to brave your scorn are entirely shut out of your civilization's sources of artistic support...
After you haven't read anything but car repair manuals and the sports page for twenty years...
What happens to your kids?
They're not going to stop reading stories, or listening to them, or watching them.
They will read the stories written by people who hate you. And they will teach your kids to hate you. And everything you stand for.
If you don't believe me, send them to a liberal arts college. See what happens. Just don't blame me for what happened when you didn't listen.
It was a transformative moment in my life when I heard @scrowder dismiss the whole concept of fiction, live and on the air.
"Tell meeee a sto-reee, Daddy!" he mocked, in a singsong tone, boasting that he didn't read fiction as if this were something to be proud of.
And my thought was "these morons deserve to lose".
It was as if he had forgotten that the whole point of conservative values is to be daddy, and to tell your children a story, so they will carry on what your ancestors started and you continued.
Without stories from daddy, your entire life's work is pointless. Because the next generation will not understand what it's for, won't care what it's for, and they will break it up for kindling, and no one will remember your name.
This isn't about Crowder in particular. The only original idea he ever had was "how to make money by losing a political struggle".
What it's about is this idea that stories are unimportant, that art is for troons and limpwrists, and that it came from somewhere before it entered his head.
And wherever that place was, conservatives need to track the monster back to its den there, and beat it to death with miniature replica of a Greek statue of Poseidon.
Because unless we get this poison out of our system, nothing Trump is doing will last, or matter, in the long run.
You need art to transmit your values.
Art requires effort.
Effort costs money.
The left understands this.
That's why they spent three decades making you their bitch.
Stories and art are the DNA of culture. They are how civilizations transmit their values.
But at some point, perhaps because artists and storytellers needs access to a full range of human emotions to tell compelling stories, a whole bunch of right wing dudes decided that art was for sissies and homos, and they wanted nothing whatsoever to do with it.
They wouldn't make it, they wouldn't read it, they wouldn't buy it, they wouldn't sponsor it, they wouldn't even hang out with people who did.
They would do manly things, like go fight forever wars for Boeing, Lockheed, and Halliburton stockholders.
Well, this may be all well and good, and you don't get cooties from watching Disney flicks with your wife, but once the left has marched over all the ground you ceded, taking over art entirely with messages that can be as ridiculous as they please, because they are unopposed...
After storytelling is entirely a left wing profession, and what few right-wingers who willing to brave your scorn are entirely shut out of your civilization's sources of artistic support...
After you haven't read anything but car repair manuals and the sports page for twenty years...
What happens to your kids?
They're not going to stop reading stories, or listening to them, or watching them.
They will read the stories written by people who hate you. And they will teach your kids to hate you. And everything you stand for.
If you don't believe me, send them to a liberal arts college. See what happens. Just don't blame me for what happened when you didn't listen.
It was a transformative moment in my life when I heard @scrowder dismiss the whole concept of fiction, live and on the air.
"Tell meeee a sto-reee, Daddy!" he mocked, in a singsong tone, boasting that he didn't read fiction as if this were something to be proud of.
And my thought was "these morons deserve to lose".
It was as if he had forgotten that the whole point of conservative values is to be daddy, and to tell your children a story, so they will carry on what your ancestors started and you continued.
Without stories from daddy, your entire life's work is pointless. Because the next generation will not understand what it's for, won't care what it's for, and they will break it up for kindling, and no one will remember your name.
This isn't about Crowder in particular. The only original idea he ever had was "how to make money by losing a political struggle".
What it's about is this idea that stories are unimportant, that art is for troons and limpwrists, and that it came from somewhere before it entered his head.
And wherever that place was, conservatives need to track the monster back to its den there, and beat it to death with miniature replica of a Greek statue of Poseidon.
Because unless we get this poison out of our system, nothing Trump is doing will last, or matter, in the long run.
You need art to transmit your values.
Art requires effort.
Effort costs money.
The left understands this.
That's why they spent three decades making you their bitch.