What is Nostr?
2024-09-27 04:20:31

JackTheMimic on Nostr: I defintely hate it when I murder someone and people who aren't involved try to ...

I defintely hate it when I murder someone and people who aren't involved try to control control my body and shame me for murdering. UGGHHH! So unfair. On top of that when I put myself in a room full of tigers all they ever seem to want to do is eat me! Like WTF?! I know I put myself in that situation but the tigers should respect my bodily autonomy and know that I don't want to be eaten.

I'm just glad someone finally wrote a song about this. It's hard out there for murderous, edible people. 😭😭
There’s not really an easy way to introduce this song, so let’s just get right to it.

We’re living in a season where women’s basic, fundamental rights have been, and will continue to be highly contested. Women and girls should be able to say no, change their minds, and do whatever they want with their bodies without feeling judged, ashamed, or unsafe. As we are at such a high stakes moment for much more than just women’s basic freedoms, I am all the more certain that this is the song I need to share now.

Unfortunately, at its core, this song is still a nice message at best. But I have always strived to write songs about how the world could and should be, and this song is no exception. So, if you ever felt like you couldn’t change your mind, if you came from a woman, if you’re raising girls, or if you have women in your life who you care about, this song is for you.

“Change Your Mind”, a song I wanted to write for the longest time, is out now exclusively in the Valueverse, hear it first on wavlake (npub1yfg…v6vg) and fountain_app (npub1v5u…n0v5) ✨👉 https://wavlake.com/album/2cc8ce94-6b15-4426-8a6d-ed974d3258e5

written by: me, Chloe Duvall, Ryan Lau, and Nathan Dohse
produced by: Ryan Lau
mixed by: Michael Mechling
mastered by: Whynot Jansveld

#youcanchangeyourmind #electionseason #newmusic #nostrmusic #grownostr #nossocial #womensrights #femaleempowerment #poprock #wavlake #fountain #v4v #v4vmusic #exless #ainsley #nostrwomen #womenofnostr #nostrgirls #girlstr

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