Tando.me on Nostr: Why we do what we do! ...
Why we do what we do!
quoting nevent1q…5k6eMerry Christmas Nostr Family.🎄
This festive season, I wasn’t able to travel to Nakuru to celebrate with my family. However, purchasing something for them from the comfort of my home in Nairobi , paying through Tando.me (npub1tan…8sax) using my blinkbtc (npub13lj…cfhw) made me feel connected, as if I were right there with them.
When npub1ykgzky9fffy5hgl76jfay9ywy5y9j3hmzljxau9sq2z2unmsxn2qpgxf8j (npub1ykg…xf8j) did her very first stage presentation introducing Tando.me (npub1tan…8sax) during the BITCOIN DADA Cohort 7 graduation, I was eager to ask her questions. In fact, I stood up almost immediately, only to receive Ksh. 200 worth of SATs from Tando directly to my M-Pesa line. That single experience answered all my questions! Tando had provided a solution to a challenge I had been struggling with in my line of work.
As the On-Ground Manager at bitcoinbabies (npub1hkv…95ux), I’ve been working on building a circular economy by onboarding merchants to accept Bitcoin as a mode of payment. While I successfully onboarded more than 10 merchants, the most common challenge I faced was their concern about off-ramping: “After I’ve accepted Bitcoin from the mums in your community, how do I convert it to Ksh. so I can restock?” Tando solved this challenge for me.
Thank you, Tando.me (npub1tan…8sax) team, for innovating such a sustainable solution for Bitcoiners in Kenya. Your work has made it seamless for those of us paid or receiving grants in Bitcoin to spend SATs. Merchants in our Kimbo circular economy can now restock effortlessly without stress.