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2024-04-22 08:37:43

Shore News Network on Nostr: DAVID BLACKMON: Having Biden Declare A Climate Emergency Is A Crazy Idea ========== ...

DAVID BLACKMON: Having Biden Declare A Climate Emergency Is A Crazy Idea

White House officials are considering having President Biden declare a climate emergency to implement a crackdown on the domestic oil and gas industry. This idea, previously considered in 2021 and 2022, would give the president dictatorial powers to restrict the industry further. Actions being considered include suspending offshore drilling, restricting oil and LNG exports, and limiting transportation via pipelines and rail. Critics argue that this move is not about climate but about control over the U.S. economy. The use of emergency powers would follow the playbook used during the COVID pandemic to restrict freedoms. Supporters of the idea believe it would help Biden regain support among young voters and the billionaire class that funds climate alarmist movements and Democratic Party campaigns. Skeptics question whether the White House would take such an extreme step during a re-election effort, but it is not out of the realm of possibility given previous political calculations made by the administration. The article emphasizes that a crackdown on the U.S. domestic industry would not reduce global demand for oil and natural gas and could lead to capital flight to countries with less stringent environmental regulations. The U.S. oil and gas industry has significantly reduced emissions while achieving record production levels. The author, David Blackmon, is an energy writer and consultant with 40 years of experience in the oil and gas business.

#BidenAdministration #ClimateEmergency #OilAndGasIndustry #EnergyPolicies #DictatorialPowers #EconomicDisaster #Control #UsEconomy #YoungVoters #BillionaireClass

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