rev.hodl on Nostr: **A fresh set of twin lambs born on the homestead** ...
**A fresh set of twin lambs born on the homestead**
Just when we thought the window had closed for more early lambs to be born this winter, the last ewe we had our eyes on gave birth to twins.
The were both in need of immediate attention, so we took them inside, warmed them up with the Bitcoin mining clothes dryer, fed them colostrum we had frozen from last spring's lambing, and made some coats for them.
These are the first lambs this ewe has birthed but she is a very good mother. She bonded with the lambs immediately so even after taking them away to warm them up she didn't reject them once we brought them back. She holds still to let them nurse too.
The other two early lambs are doing well too, we setup heat lamps in their stalls to help keep them warm while the get hardy enough to handle the cold winter weather. This event has shown us that we are prepared and have the experience, techniques, and supplies on hand to successfully save distressed lambs even in extreme conditions. Having little baby lambs running around in the winter has definitely put some fresh spirit in our hearts when winter time tends to be a more depressive season.
#permaculture #permies #homesteading #meshtadel #lamb #sheep

Just when we thought the window had closed for more early lambs to be born this winter, the last ewe we had our eyes on gave birth to twins.

The were both in need of immediate attention, so we took them inside, warmed them up with the Bitcoin mining clothes dryer, fed them colostrum we had frozen from last spring's lambing, and made some coats for them.

These are the first lambs this ewe has birthed but she is a very good mother. She bonded with the lambs immediately so even after taking them away to warm them up she didn't reject them once we brought them back. She holds still to let them nurse too.

The other two early lambs are doing well too, we setup heat lamps in their stalls to help keep them warm while the get hardy enough to handle the cold winter weather. This event has shown us that we are prepared and have the experience, techniques, and supplies on hand to successfully save distressed lambs even in extreme conditions. Having little baby lambs running around in the winter has definitely put some fresh spirit in our hearts when winter time tends to be a more depressive season.
#permaculture #permies #homesteading #meshtadel #lamb #sheep
quoting nevent1q…ayac**East Friesian Dairy lambs born earlier than expected on the homestead!**
A couple of dairy sheep have given birth to lambs over the past couple days when they were expected to have them in early May. Our East Friesian dairy ram got in with the ewes over the summer, and we thought we removed him before he was able to breed any. It turns out he was able to get the job done very quickly and clearly showing a preference for the Easter Friesian dairy ewes.
It was almost 24 hours after the first ewe had given birth before we noticed. She had given birth to twins but we found one dead already. Her lamb was struggling so we gave it some electrolytes and made a little coat for it after letting it warm up near the bitcoin mining clothes dryer for a few hours. It's doing well now, but we have them both in a stall close to the house to keep an eye on them for now.
The second ewe gave birth a day later to a single lamb. It was also struggling with the cold and having trouble nursing. We took it in, warmed it up with the miner, made a coat for it and gave it some colostrum (frozen from last spring). We put them both in a second stall, trimmed the wool around the ewe's utter, and setup some heat lamps for the lambs.
So far, they are all doing well. We are thinking there might be one more ewe due to lamb early so we are still keeping a close eye on the flock. Even though we don't have lushious pasture to feed the ewes, we are still going to start getting sheep's milk a few months earlier than expected and with each ewe only raising one lamb there should be plenty extra milk for us to have some.
#permaculture #permies #homesteading #meshtadel #dairysheep #lamb #rawmilk #theproblemisthesolution