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hiphipharesh / haresh
2023-07-18 04:51:45

hiphipharesh on Nostr: When I'm sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I ...

When I'm sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I say, 'When there are nine,' people are shocked. But there'd been nine men, and nobody's ever raised a question about that.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I’m in total agreement with #RBG! Read the whole quote before you say anything!

Look at where this nation is now, the men of the #SupremeCourt took a fledgling Amy Coney Barrett under their command to turn over #Roe!Breaking the #Establishment clause of the 1st Amendment! OMG, there are so many flaws that I can shoot at Justice Alito opinion, but I’ll leave it at just 1st Amendment! Consequently dividing the country in half…approximately depending who your lobbies are for. USA has now become an REGRESSIVE DEMOCRACY, like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Republic of the Congo and etc! Are we still exemplifying how a progressive democracy oohhh….wait you want me to say Conservative Democracy, right? Come on! Conservatives are holding on to the past with their regressive ideologies riddled with various religious doctrines! Hey guys, do you still want a domestic wife to pamper you when you’re done with work while she’s busy taking care of the kids, home chores, school activities and etc not really have the time to pursue her own ambitions? All while the man can chuckle with his friends at a golf course over a work issue they ignored. That’s the Conservative Perspective!

I really don’t think that the gen-x, millennials & gen-z don’t really want to do anything with the Conservative Party of yesteryear “The Great Times” in the 50s after WWII when America became the world power to be reconned with. After all, the US Gold standard with the Brenton Woods Accords made the US a dominant world power. With exception 91% tax rate on the rich, that would be appropriate. Wheves you people on the right or even libertarians think, that era is over & cannot be retrieved! Same goes for the Industrial Revolution that was administered by 100000% of the Fossil Fuel companies who knew about Climate Change since the 70s yet kept it hidden from the public! In 1896, a seminal paper by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius first predicted that changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels could substantially alter the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect. In 1938, Guy Callendar connected carbon dioxide increases in Earth's atmosphere to global warming(NASA).
#ExxonMobile #Cheveron #Shell & all of them including your darling #KochBros that pushed forward the libertarian agenda ever since late David Koch ran as VP under the libertarian ticket in 1980. I dare all of you to search for their agenda & see if any of it practical or downright dumb or if you agree with their platform. I’m sure all of you will be curfuffled.

The youth of today will inherit our Earth; not the baby boomers or the Silent generation, so it is fitting that the youth will run for office and implement the triple bottom line! That is my hope! Social bottom line, Environmental Bottom line, and Regenerative market based bottom line! In other words, #ESG! Environment Social Governance which has huge swaths of the people on the right panicking about ESG! It doesn’t go with their Libertarian Austrian Economics Ideology. What is Austrian Economics you may ask? It’s absolute freedom and absolute individualism to its core without accounting that the Earth; Gaia is also a finite system! There are 8.05 Billion people on this Earth now, so do you really think that Mother Nature has the carrying capacity of infinite mouths? Or many that’s to far fetched, but the Earth maximum carrying capacity is about 10 - 12 Billion people on our finite planet Earth. Now imagine if there were 2 different universes that contained their respective Earth’s using the wonders of Planck's Quantum Mechanics? I’m not gonna spell it out for you, but which economic system would be sustainable on One Earth theory? Austrian Econ or Regenerative Econ?

It’s over for you old foggies from the Baby Boomers & Silent Generation to be telling how the future of their children should be passed over to. No one wants to live in this god forsaken heatwave on the west, Midwest, south and the tormented rains on the East coast that’s happening more often than ever because humans have been denying climate change to say it cost too much! Well…you’re in for a doozy! The longer we put off our transition from Fossil Fuels to Clean Renewable Energy (Not Nuclear) the more expensive it is going to get to abate Global Warming and soon we will all parish in the 6th mass Extinction ending our current Holocene. We need to cancel all & rebuke all Fossil Fuel permits ASAP! We are going to keep getting worse weather on record every new day we all live together fighting over trivial pursuits!!!!! Enough is enough!!!!!

Are we really fighting over political correctness or over wokism? If so, then call it what it is, the intolerance of people who are included in such categories of the “woke class!” That includes me! I’m a first generation Indian Immigrant who was born in Hawaii with a mental disorder that has gifted me life like no other can see! Do you wanna call birther on me because I was born at the same exact hospital as President Obama. Now what? I’m an illegal alien who has been reaping off the welfare state! Yes I was and now I’m not! So back of all you stupid #republicans! Also, for those of you who decries running Joe Biden as our next president, then might have thought about that 4 years ago? Come on! You lousy shmucks that doesn’t have a brain RAM for at least a 5 year cycle! Look at all the good that Joe Biden & Kamala Harris did for the America! Now you wanna throw him under the bus because you don’t think he’s got the gusto to be elected again! Stop it with the ageism by discriminating against his age. He wouldn’t be in it to lose, so why bring the sentiment down you bumbling Democrats, Independents & Republicans! The #Media is huge #SensationalismMachine that warps your mind to thinking what the advertisers are #paying for! Remember when the right flanked of the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of Citizens United in 2010? Before then and after then? Look at the data and history, Joe Biden’s track record may not have been perfect but how can anyone who’s running for the President of the United States of America be so perfect? In this day and age of Corporate Elitism Ruled By the Supreme Court. I don’t have to talk about Elitism anymore, y’all know how corrupt….da da da da….

Getting back to choosing Biden & I’ll also root for Dr West to bring home kitchen table issues that affect the African Diaspora. You know, out of all the classes of people, the Africans has never been paid reparations? Go figure?! It says it in our preamble of the constitution that we must unite for a more perfect union, am I right? If I’m wrong then take back the 13 million jobs and boat loads of positive legislation for the Country, our country, the United States of America. We must not go backwards! We must use what we have and go forwards! Participatory Regenerative Economies…

I’ll also purport a counter argument so I cover my bases! You’ll ask me, you just said the younger generation should lead and take office, isn’t it hypocritical of you to pick Joe Biden. Then my answer comes, he’s got the wisdom to know the difference than any other candidate out there and for his age, I’m pretty sure our president is under a rigorous tight schedule that includes health and exercise. President Biden was able broker sooooooooooo much legislation when we had stalemates with the imbeciles to the right who constantly attacks Diversity Equity Inclusion! The only piece of Legislation that Trump administration passed was the unpaid for Trump Tax Cuts that added $7.8Trillions to our national debt! Do y’all Americans see this #phony for who he really is? A classic #CONMAN that risen up the ranks of the republican p

I saw you this morning say, “Stop using taxpayers money to their own wokism?” on This Week! Speaker McCarthy look who’s talking?Where’s the #7.8Trillion dollars?

Speaker McCarthy & Leader McConnell, I want the both of you to read to your respective caucuses, the “Letter from Selma Alabama” from Martin Luther King Jr. Once you both respectively read the letter, discuss and debate whether it is just that we shall dismiss Dr King’s letter or not with an up or down vote! If they’re any naysayers, then show them the door! Dr King has Dream that all the BIPOC people of the world are fight to keep alive. To say wokism is not the way, then you are definitely not with Dr King and are not worthy to govern!



A Canadian lake could mark the start of humanity’s geological epoch from #TheEconomist (Don’t dismiss the facts from the reporting from the Economist as Keynesian!)
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