reltbracco on Nostr: Yesterday, our church body finally voted on issues that have been on the table for ...
Yesterday, our church body finally voted on issues that have been on the table for well over a year:
1. Whether to remain affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, and
2. Whether to continue donating funds to them.
Here is the text of the speech I prepared to present my view before the votes. All members were invited to speak for three minutes.
In Western culture, virgin brides wear white dresses. It’s tradition! Our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers knew this.
But this tradition actually dates back only to the Victorian era. It is, in reality, neither required nor ancient.
On the place of Christian women, I’m happy to talk with anyone about my belief that a true return to tradition — more importantly by far, a return to God’s vision for creation — is not a return to gender roles and hierarchies, but a return to a more ancient equality.
That the same Holy Spirit is poured out on men and women is proof enough in my eyes. But that among the praiseworthy teachers and leaders in the Bible we can find Priscilla, Phoebe, Deborah, and many more, makes the case even more clear, as does a view of countless threads and trends within scripture and the words and actions of Jesus.
Reading the same Bible, some come away convinced like I am, while others come away with the opposite view, or something in between. Baptists have a tradition of plurality, and so not surprisingly, both views are found here at this very church.
Many voices I heard while we were discussing this issue were concerned that if we allowed flexibility on the tradition of women being barred from pastorhood, it would begin a “slippery slope,” and next, we would be allowing actively homosexual pastors.
This is a false equivalency. As excellent as an actively homosexual pastor’s preaching may be, they are still living part of their life in unrepentant sin.
It is not a sin to simply BE a woman. It is not a sin to preach the word of God and shepherd a church body. I further maintain it’s not a sin to do both, or to listen to her when she does.
Breaking the admirable Baptist tradition of plurality, the SBC leadership recently tried to force their perspective on what had long been a matter left up to individual Baptist churches to decide, cracking down on the leadership of women while PROTECTING the leadership of sexual abusers, covering up their crimes and keeping them in contact with past and potential future victims, including children.
Nearly 300 abusers. More than 700 victims. Nearly 20 years of complicity.
Such twisted priorities and actions absolutely do not reflect my values, and I know they do not reflect yours. I believe we should sever ties with the SBC as soon and completely as possible.
Thank you for listening.
So, what happened?
1. Nearly 2/3 of the members who participated voted to leave the SBC. Unfortunately, a 3/4 result was required for the motion to pass.
Some of those who spoke in favor of staying gave as their reason that if we did not stay and fight, the political takeover of the SBC (which extends far beyond the issue of women in ministry) will proceed unhindered. Our pastor encouraged them to reflect, then, on what they will do to fight; I hope they listen to his words.
2. A strong majority voted to stop funding the SBC and this was enough for that motion to pass.
#Christian #church #Baptist #southernbaptist #SBC #egalitarian #egalitarianism #women #womeninministry #freedominChrist #abuseawareness
1. Whether to remain affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, and
2. Whether to continue donating funds to them.
Here is the text of the speech I prepared to present my view before the votes. All members were invited to speak for three minutes.
In Western culture, virgin brides wear white dresses. It’s tradition! Our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers knew this.
But this tradition actually dates back only to the Victorian era. It is, in reality, neither required nor ancient.
On the place of Christian women, I’m happy to talk with anyone about my belief that a true return to tradition — more importantly by far, a return to God’s vision for creation — is not a return to gender roles and hierarchies, but a return to a more ancient equality.
That the same Holy Spirit is poured out on men and women is proof enough in my eyes. But that among the praiseworthy teachers and leaders in the Bible we can find Priscilla, Phoebe, Deborah, and many more, makes the case even more clear, as does a view of countless threads and trends within scripture and the words and actions of Jesus.
Reading the same Bible, some come away convinced like I am, while others come away with the opposite view, or something in between. Baptists have a tradition of plurality, and so not surprisingly, both views are found here at this very church.
Many voices I heard while we were discussing this issue were concerned that if we allowed flexibility on the tradition of women being barred from pastorhood, it would begin a “slippery slope,” and next, we would be allowing actively homosexual pastors.
This is a false equivalency. As excellent as an actively homosexual pastor’s preaching may be, they are still living part of their life in unrepentant sin.
It is not a sin to simply BE a woman. It is not a sin to preach the word of God and shepherd a church body. I further maintain it’s not a sin to do both, or to listen to her when she does.
Breaking the admirable Baptist tradition of plurality, the SBC leadership recently tried to force their perspective on what had long been a matter left up to individual Baptist churches to decide, cracking down on the leadership of women while PROTECTING the leadership of sexual abusers, covering up their crimes and keeping them in contact with past and potential future victims, including children.
Nearly 300 abusers. More than 700 victims. Nearly 20 years of complicity.
Such twisted priorities and actions absolutely do not reflect my values, and I know they do not reflect yours. I believe we should sever ties with the SBC as soon and completely as possible.
Thank you for listening.
So, what happened?
1. Nearly 2/3 of the members who participated voted to leave the SBC. Unfortunately, a 3/4 result was required for the motion to pass.
Some of those who spoke in favor of staying gave as their reason that if we did not stay and fight, the political takeover of the SBC (which extends far beyond the issue of women in ministry) will proceed unhindered. Our pastor encouraged them to reflect, then, on what they will do to fight; I hope they listen to his words.
2. A strong majority voted to stop funding the SBC and this was enough for that motion to pass.
#Christian #church #Baptist #southernbaptist #SBC #egalitarian #egalitarianism #women #womeninministry #freedominChrist #abuseawareness