What is Nostr?
cxadams / christopher
2025-01-27 16:36:32

cxadams on Nostr: “Brain is an organ; Mind is a Field.” A deft analogy ...

“Brain is an organ; Mind is a Field.” A deft analogy

Shared from a friend.

Contrary to accepted groupthink, neuroscientists say that the Mind and brain are not interchangeable terms. Brain is an organ; Mind is a Field. The Mind is to the body and brain, somewhat as music is to a radio. The Mind is prior to the body, before the brain and subsequent sensory interpretations ... in ontosophical Buddhism, Mind precedes all phenomena, thus Mind does not arise from phenomena.

The reality of the 'cognizant brain' has been compared to the 'tip of an iceberg,' and the brain in the sleep state to the larger mass of the iceberg under the surface. The tip of an iceberg can be likened to the physical bodies of humans ... which includes the sensory apparatus (seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling, and thinking. As the 'cognizant brain' enters rest periods, the sleep state unconscious mimics the senses from memories for dream experiences.

Full-spectrum consciousness (i.e. Spiral Dynamics level 8) is the holistic awareness of the 'cognizant brain' (tip of the iceberg), unconscious mind (the ice mass under the water), and the ocean that adjoins the unconscious (which includes all other icebergs).

"If two 'icebergs' (human individuals) come together in peace and say to a mountain: 'Move!' and it will move" - Gospel of Thomas 48

Considering this water-based analogy, imagine placing some of the fresh water (like that which lies close to the iceberg) in a twenty-cube freezer tray. Let’s analyze that water. All of the water is the same. However, when the tray is frozen and reanalyzed, there will be twenty individual, distinct, intricately latticed ice crystals, each one as different from the others as a snowflake or a fingerprint.

The ocean could be likened to a superconscious field, directly inaccessible to the tip of the iceberg above the water and the 6 senses that keep it distracted. Thus a preself-Actualized unconscious may occasionally pick up gnowledge from that field, but interpret it through 'tip of the iceberg' beliefs.

The 'tip of the iceberg' says, “i think, therefore I am.” Whereas a consequence of full-spectrum consciousness is the shift from "i think" to the gnowing of When 'Am I' (thinking is, without exception, always in the past) ... thus a momentous leap from a fragmented consciousness that places knowledge on a pedestal, to the ability to recognize gnowledge.

know\no, v. knew, known, know-ing, knows; OE gecnawan, be able to; akin to L. gnovi. 1. to perceive directly through the senses; comprehend through the intellect (the 6th sense); psyche. 2. to have fixed in the intellect or memory, something as true. 3. to be acquainted with or have a practical understanding of, as through sensory experience; know how to cook. 4. to comprehend noologically; through thought/intellect.

gnow\no, v. gnew, gnown, gnow-ing, gnows; from Gk gnosis, understanding through Heart-Mind (Heart Center,associated with the butterfly shaped thymus,and has nothing to do with the heart organ/pump). 1. to understand directly through metasensory awareness (beyond the 6 senses); comprehend through the heart of essence or thymos. 2. to experience, without media-tion, something as true. 3. to be acquainted with or have gnostic understanding of, as through metasensory experience; to gnow love. 4. to comprehend ontosophically; through prajna/gnosis.

Yes ... the 'heart pump/muscle is important for physical and emotional life ... and the electromagnetic field manifested from this key organ of the circulatory system is impressive ... but it is not the Heart Center ... the place where the two triangles of the hexagram interlace ... the recognition of which only occurs through unfabricated Present awareness. The heart pump/muscle is never Present ... there is no Present in movement ... there is no Present in time.

The ideograph, or heart shape symbol, associated with love has been seriously corrupted by Object-ivists to imply the 'heart muscle,' whereas the ancient glyph of a red heart shape with unfurled wings is the Awakened Thymos (Anahata Chakra).

The Greeks learned of thymos from the Egypt, and possibly Indus Valley Civilisations of the East ... and was associated with the Life Force (Egyptians) and Heart Center/Chakra (Naga).

Identify the two secondary chakras located near the shoulder blades, and imagine a pair of wings extending (anchored) from the thymus gland (your Heart Center, typically atrophied in today's World) through those shoulder blade chakras. We all have the potential to unfurl wings from the Anahata Chakra, just as Isis, and her Sky Dancing Mother, Nut. The first female, Lilith was depicted in ancient times as having wings. Lilith (Genesis 1:27) was created ... only afterwards was wingless Eve (Genesis 2:21-23) fabricated.

Genuine intuition (inner voice) is rare because such understanding must by-pass the lower Six Senses (the organs of sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, and thinking), which few people are capable of allowing while cloaked in a myriad of beliefs and diversions ... in servitude to the 'voice in the head.'

True intuition (the inner voice) is gnowledge, not knowledge ... it arises from individuality, not the personality or through sensory input. Lao Tzu said "the treasure is hidden inside your own breast." The intuitive voice is not a feeling ... 99.9% of feelings originate in the head. Eastern philosophy says that the 6 senses is one sense of feeling.

Intuition is developed by relating with what will never leave you, and from which you can never leave. Women's obsession with dogs and alpha males for their security promotes an inferior humanity ... and a World void of Peace and Higher Human Potential. The USA, with a population of 345 million , has over 90 million dogs (larger than any Country) ... while for contrast, India has a population of 1,450,000,000 million, and 10,200,000 dogs. Likewise, the USA sexual market brainwashes women to desire Alpha males ... males who are enamored with mental inertia, and thus real Spirituality, that is, not being in conflict with the in-breath and out-breath of Spirit, is improbable. "There is no fellowship with the fool" - Dhammapada

To even begin recognizing what will never leave, one must be able to recognize what will leave them ... what comes and goes. Intuition is synonymous with the 7th sense. It is always available, but that presence is for the most part smothered, obscured, and filtered by the 6 senses. The 7th level of conscious awareness is without sensory input.

Gurdjieff would develop access to intuition among his students through "stop exercises." In the middle of any activity, he would say "stop," and the student would instantly freeze, thus manifesting much stress to ego. These "stop exercises" are synonymous with the "Just Because Club" activities developed by what Claude Needham.

The egoic cognizant brain an innate desire to maintain transcendental unavailability, thus keeping sentient beings from revealing their authentic, unconditioned Self's. Where religion and science steps between us and our direct experiences, Transformational Triggers such as the "stop exercise" can precipitate for us direct ecstatic experiences. These activities bring pause to ego, beliefs and attachment to the past, and thus, being free of preconceived references, engage us, if just for a "taste", in the Present.

To reduce all the above down to one word ... it is Present. There is no Present within the cognizant brain ... nor can the Present be uncovered through meditation. "The location of the truth of the Great Perfection is the unfabricated Present; not a hair of which can be forced into relaxation through meditation." Jigme Lingpa

The 'inner voice' is not actually a voice as the 'voice in the head,' but always a gnowing that emerges from Stillness, not knowledge. All knowledge springs up from the past. Intuitive gnowledge comes in a flash ... usually a momentary flicker during the transitional state between "awake" and sleep which are often accessed by creative people ... however, if we are distracted by the 6 senses, these are more as hallucinations than intuitive insights ... it's impossible to think, see, taste, touch, smell or hear in the Present.

“Phenomenally, we can know no Present, as it must be in the ‘past’ before our senses can complete the process of recording it, leaving only a suppositional past and future; noumenally, there is no question of ‘past’ or ‘future,’ but only a presence that knows neither ‘time’ nor ‘space.’ ” - Wei Wu Wei.

Another access to the Absolute Present, although very rare, is through elevated state of Heart Consciousness beyond the Simulation that can occur between two people ... which is called Karmamudra ... and brings clear insight into the nature of reality through the harmonious two-way flow of energy ... unfolding two beyond One. True non-duality is beyond One.

“Those who think of mind in terms of One or Many casts away the light and enters delusion” - Saraha
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