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/ BroccoliRiceTofu
2025-03-15 23:11:35

BroccoliRiceTofu on Nostr: Live people eat dead mushrooms but live mushrooms eat dead people. It was a dark warm ...

Live people eat dead mushrooms but live mushrooms eat dead people.

It was a dark warm spring night and everything was the best it could be. It was like a fairy tale for the young couple, Kirk and Jennifer. They had been high school sweethearts for the longest time at (hidden name to protect the innocent) High School. Although there have been many stories of tragic things happening at the school recently in the news it was great for kids to be themselves. Spring of 1998 felt like a new beginning after the large Long Winter of 1997 which had one of the largest storms in Denver history. The couple arrived in a limo with their friends. It was almost like a scene from a rom-com dancing out of the top of the limo music playing friends high-fiving and sneaking a beer or two in the back of the ride. as they pull into the prom the limo driver Slams on the brakes, the idiot School chef old man Oliver, really doesn't know how to look both ways when he crosses the parking lot. Kirk yells out “ hey old man want a beer?” with a slide this more look Chef Oliver puts his head down and heads into work.
as the kids walk into the prom balloons on the floor, streamer curtains through the doors, a cover band playing Blink-182 and 3 Doors Down, jocks to the left, goths to the right, and the few nerds lined up along the bleachers. Kirk and Jennifer had to find a way to leave their friends behind, And have that special prom night experience.
Kirk, who looks just like Freddie Prinze Jr sneaks off to find a space where he can bring Jennifer later. As Kirk heads down the hall he sees that something must have gone wrong in the lab earlier that day because the school Janitor was trying to clean up a weird mess that almost looks slimy and steamy in appearance. their chef Oliver again, and for some reason he's telling the janitor to go home and leave it to him. Although this makes no sense to Kirk he has another’ mission’ on his mind.
Jennifer the hot blonde, Who recently was dropped off the Pom Squad, For getting in trouble at school for being too promiscuous and wearing two shorter clothes, headed to the bathroom with her girls to get ready. she and her friends knew tonight was the night, the dream prom experience, the hotel room and the after party were going to be the biggest of the '90s.
In the kitchen, Chef gets to work and he has a long shift ahead of him. he has to prepare to feed hundreds of kids at the after party. but for some reason he just doesn't see himself. The pale almost gray skin and bloodshot eyes show that his drinking problem is causing a reduction in his sleep patterns. The kitchen doesn't look the best, and the dirty walls just seem like they're alive. dirty equipment almost screams of a lack of awareness. Chef Oliver that's one thing on his mind: he needs to feed all those kids.
But what seems to be off no one really knew for sure, but we think it started around January. After the large snow storms in 1997 the Moisture in the air left a slight mist and fog every morning which was weird for such a dry climate. there were hints possibly that the lab at school had to be closed no one really knew why, but things just felt off. Someone heard that the goth kids were trying to grow mushrooms in the back of the lab in order to get high on prom night, but they're failed attempt just lingered in the back closet. Mr Smith, the science teacher, thought the room smelled weird and after a couple of chemical spills this year, the principal decided to shut down that lab until after the summer when things could be reset for the new year. The school lab was right next to the cafeteria, and the smell lingered down the hallway. there was a black streak running slightly along the ceiling tiles. The streak looked as if it went into the air vent on purpose, but how could it it's just dirt right?
Back at the prom The Jock kids were getting in trouble they brought in a little bit of rum and possibly added a bit to the punch bowl. The nerds were still standing by the bleachers hoping I'm praying that a girl like Jennifer would look back at them. One of the Nerds, Jared, noticed that weird black stripes seem to be in more places. The snack table at the corner of the room where the punch bowl sat, almost looked as if the black stripe was growing up the side of it but he thought to himself my blood sugar must be low. I need to get out of here and get my inhaler.
Kirk, still looking for that perfect spot, noticed there was a storage closet in the back of the kitchen he thought he'd go check it out. he thought to himself if I can get some strawberries and some of those aerosol whip cream back here, it would be heaven at least until I got caught. as he turned out of the closet he bumped into Chef Oliver. but something look different this time, and the last 15 minutes he seemed to look Lively almost joyful. Kirk brushed It Off and thought to himself I'm going to go get Jennifer and I'm going to get laid.
Chef Oliver reached down, grabbed the onions out of the bin and went back to The Cutting Board. The black ooze is now taking over a few tables. Chef Oliver had work to do head down chopping away. he knows to himself but his mind started to wonder more than it ever had before and for some reason he wanted raw meat. he never felt this hungry before he went to the cooler walk in and reached in to the pack, grabbed a burger patty took a bite. the experience was overwhelming, the taste on his tongue the drip of blood down his chin the chunks of lard melting between his teeth, it was all too much he needed more. he sat down still in the cooler and buried his face in that pack of burgers he knew that whatever was in him now was just what the doctor ordered. as he looked up his skin looked like it was bubbling but it wasn't boils or a burn it was something growing on him. it's almost like actually it was like the black ooze had taken over the kitchen and he was becoming part of it. his body changing his appearance growing weirder with every bite until he stood up slowly went back to work, because he had a lot of work to do.
Back at prom the jocks are pouring everyone drinks, they know how to be popular unlike those stupid nerds. one of the jocks said hey let's get those nerds drunk let's see if they can dance the Carlton just like from Fresh Prince. Jared that stupid nerd, took the first shot but when he looked down at his plastic cup it looked like ocean slime he yelled’ what the f*** did you give me it tastes like s***.’ the dean who was stuck watching the stupid prom jumps in, hey no fighting take this outside. the jocks walked away and the nerds decided to start heading home going down the hallway to the lockers. one of the Nerds started throwing up “guys I think they tried to poison us”. Jared said “yeah I don't feel quite right but I'm getting so hungry.” they started heading to the school kitchen because they knew they can grab a bite to eat. when they pushed open the door it was a disaster, the chef had stuff everywhere nothing finished place was a mess looked disgusting. Chef Oliver turned to the kids and in one look they knew what to do they turned back and headed back towards the prom. on the way they ran into Kirk and Jennifer they were making out by the water fountain. Jared asked Kirk ‘have you seen those dumb jocks anywhere?’ Kirk said,’ yeah I think they went to the technology room they were going to watch some p***.’ Jared and the Nerds took the hall on the left and headed to the technology room.
“ what up losers” said the Guy in the letter jacket, ‘you guys have to leave or I'm going to f*** you up.’ Jared said’ let's go you and me right now.’ then Jared started running back towards the kitchen all the jocks following behind. Once they got into the room they stepped and the black ooze and could barely walk anymore; Chef Oliver starts hitting them over the head with his meat tenderizer hammer. the jocks would be the feast for the rest, the large muscle mass was best for making his signature dishes. Comfort food like nachos burgers piled on with fried jalapenos and cheddar cheese, hot dogs loaded with toppings and chili, pizza barbecue sauce drizzled on the large Meat Lovers deep dish extra crispy crust. as he took the first one, he used a slicer making thin cuts. only the thinnest cuts would work for his Philly cheese steak. the parts that were not used were just dropped on the floor and consumed by the black ooze. Chef Oliver paused for a second took a cup drain some of the blood and took a drink, every sip gave him more energy than ever before. he started going into a mad dreamlike state where he felt like he was the leader of a pack almost like something was telling him what to do but he could barely understand what was happening. it was almost like the black ooze to feel his presence and he could feel theirs well it started to feel like an how do you say like a another person with him. he had to get out of his own head started smacking his head left and right and got back to work. one cut up put in the smoker, another better steamed. finally the Tilt skillet to make that chili, Onions beans tomatoes stock and of course meat thrown in the Tilt skillet and set to a simmer. and grab the next kid, and took the immersion blender to his throat it was a fast and quick way to go but it also was a perfect way to get the small pieces needed put into the Buffalo Chopper to create the perfect ground chunks to make that Chipotle glazed Nacho sauce that the kids loved. He was getting all the work done and then here comes the sweet couple trying to sneak into the kitchen. Quickly the Nerds push them into the walk-in freezer they're stuck they can't get out they're cold. they start screaming for help but no one can hear them.
the chef moves on to the final jock he has a special way to prepare this one. he has always wanted make the perfect dish one that was good enough for a TV special. He grabbed the puff pastry, he knew the Wellington was the only way to present such a rare specimen. he took the boning knife, Stripped Away the skin and began cutting out the loins of meat that would be used. he turned to the Nerds but he couldn't see them anymore, his eyesight was getting worse. when he saw Jared he noticed he was mutating. he didn't look like a zombie nor did he act like a dead mindless being, but something had changed. his skin look like it had melted, that he was dissolving almost. could it be, could the Nerds be dissolving into the black ooze. the chef turned the left and knew in an instant, this was fungus. the sweet smell of the perfect fungus was something all chefs cherish. that Umami flavor it gives off so unique and so delicate but so perfect. what an honor these nerds had to join the perfect form. Chef thought to himself, I need to feed the prom… but also my children, my precious children of ooze.
one more dish for the perfect night, as he reached into unlock the freezer door he could see the couple shivering. with a quick grab, He got a hold of Kirk but she ran away. somehow she managed to get out into the hallway. her screams could be heard from miles away, and the gymnasium started to empty out as if there was a fire. the chef Furious that she had gone, quickly hit kirk over the head with a hotel pan. he had to get that girl, he couldn't let her spoil his night. he had too much work to do and all his friends were hungry. the after prom was about to begin and he needed guests to serve. he slowly walked down the hall kids running everywhere, he was knocked to the ground and slowly closed his eyes.
the next morning, the radio shared the news. Denver International Airport was on lockdown? No one knew it was going on, but Jennifer was headed out on a family trip for spring break. as she sat in 34A, she felt A tingle on her leg. she looked down and there it was a black mark. it felt as if it was alive as if it was becoming part of her leg, she knew she had to stand up and go to the bathroom………………….
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