What is Nostr?
Kind 9802
This highlight was made by https://primal.net web client
Author Public Key
Published at
2024-07-25 15:11:37
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "6a4a3a51d50c69422aa1279e0d12b03b33ff8b60558d4aa0362307126c0c4a64", "pubkey": "88cc134b1a65f54ef48acc1df3665063d3ea45f04eab8af4646e561c5ae99079", "created_at": 1721920297, "kind": 9802, "tags": [ [ "p", "88cc134b1a65f54ef48acc1df3665063d3ea45f04eab8af4646e561c5ae99079" ], [ "a", "30023:88cc134b1a65f54ef48acc1df3665063d3ea45f04eab8af4646e561c5ae99079:1721833917399" ], [ "context", "here is a link to somewhere so as to see how it would render and here it is bare-bone https://duckduckgo.com/ just to make sure it is nicely parsed." ], [ "alt", "This highlight was made by https://primal.net web client" ] ], "content": "would render and here it is bare-bone", "sig": "f733824551a74cbb3b1e694242a43f65591940b239eac29df8d1f6b74dc1de1f7d1662e743490d01118c956bc35684184b67716056d0e3a0c0c3048606c2d7b8" }