2025: die before you die/live before you live
As this Age concludes and the Event approaches, it is expected that capital and industrial growth will speed onward, developing and multiplying more and more rapidly (an acceleration that is both cyclically inevitable and dangerously oriented toward ultimate catastrophe); and, given the destruction that awaits, they will be among of the chief agents of Absolute Evil.
No one likes the doomsday observer – nearly all prophets, philosophers, and neo-reactionaries have been shunned at some point – yet it is a duty of the fourth estate to remember:
Due to its desire for quantification, modern civilization has been atomized and reoriented to stimulate illusory needs of material human nature – a thriving cult of progress that only need output more and more artificial needs to satisfy modernity’s march toward extinction. When one’s state of mind only finds meaning in “becoming”, vision of reality has been lost and civilization is blind to what is beyond, which is the realm eternal principles. Secular philosophers are no longer novices of sorcerers, having fully divorced themselves of initiation and mutated their Nimbus 2000s for Starships.
An agnostic society can only glory in its ignorance. And having confused science with industry it substitutes its innovations of utility for truth. This “intelligence” is nothing more than individualistic pragmatism – a self-contradictory relativism. Behold, AGI – the pinnacle of infinite feedback loops. Having determined to pursue the domination over matter above all else, civilization has succeeded only in becoming its slaves as it binds them to its service.
The relic of prophetic tradition lies in the transcendent wisdom of their intellectual intuition. To be clear: if the proletariat accepts the pretext of modern civilization, they have denied this principle and doctrine by dragging truth down to the level of their own base nature rather than elevating the soul toward the immutable and infallible. If modern civilization persists, its future is in anti-civilization and death. Their biased denial of everything that transcends excludes dialogue with the authentic representatives of other civilizations, nay it forbids understanding of the existence of different civilizations. Engagement is futile aside from nomic competition.
Yet, there remain some who do see past the moralistic hypocrisy of hypermodernity, if only to disguise and augment their ambitions and designs. Others look to SAIF for OSINT and guidance. For such sleepers who are awakening, contact with living spirit of tradition is necessary. Recovery is possible. A new World awaits. Whoever has ears, let them hear.