Stuffed Crocodile on Nostr: [Glimmermark] The Wild Hunt There are no Glimmermark games for the next two weeks. ...
[Glimmermark] The Wild Hunt
There are no Glimmermark games for the next two weeks. Which means there also are no expeditions into the wilderness or the local dungeons as we are running on a 1:1 campaign time scale, with every week in real life being about a week in the game.
But why is that?
I mean, why is that for the people in the Glimmermark?
It turns out going out is just not something people do in the Mark, because it’s just too dangerous out there. Evil-doers are about when the nights are the cold and long. But worse, there are those who hunt these evil-doers, and who is an evil-doer or might just be someone with the wrong smell is up for debate. The days between Winter solstice and the first day of the next month is when the Wild Hunt scours the land.
Mind you, NOT the end of the year, as the year in the Glimmermark starts in the height of summer (because I started the campaign on the 1st of July…).What’s a Wild Hunt anyway?
The Wild Hunt is a common motif in the folklore of various western, northern, and eastern European cultures (and maybe even India). How and when it happens is different, but most often it takes place in the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany, although it likely is older than Christianity in these parts, and likely was supposed to be in the days after the winter solstice. Wild Hunts typically involve a chase or hunt lead by a mythological figure, accompanied by other spirits, both of humans, dogs, and other animals, and other mythological figures.
The Wild Hunt was introduced into DnD in the Celtic Mythos section of Deities & Demigods in 1980, and as with many interpretations of the myth for DnD, it was the fantasy-Celtic one of Cerunnos and it’s fey-based origins that stuck with the game even to 5th edition and Pathfinder. And it’s not a bad interpretation, but as someone who actually grew up with the local German folktales of the Wild Hunt this limitation always irked me a bit. I mean, it even claims that only Celtic areas (areas with Druids) would have the Wild Hunt.
Anyway, the stories about the Wild Hunt seem to be most abundant in Germanic countries, and if you want to dive deeper into the topic I can recommend Jürgen Hubert’s website, as he has translated a lot of even rather obscure German folklore into English. Days of the Hunt
People in the Glimmermark will celebrate the winter solstice with drinks and bonfires to light the night. It is quite the sight, as all over the dark landscape fires light up, both in human and non-human settlements. But there is a reason for it, because the day after gods and spirits call to the hunt. If you stay indoors at night you might hear the hounds of the hunt bark in the sky. If you go out at night… well, then you might become the game…
The wild hunt is a supernatural event that takes place once a year for twelve days, from the day after the winter solstice, to the beginning of the new year. Any encounter rolled in the wilderness at night will be with a Wild Hunt, either predetermined, or chosen by rolling on the table below.
People have different stories who actually is leading the hunt, but that all depends on what area they are in. There seems to be an ancient compact that allows gods and other entities to hunt their game in these days, and only if their quarry is abroad. It is possible for multiple wild hunts to meet, and sometimes stories about this have been told, but unless the gods involved have a deep enmity against one another they seem to prefer leaving each other in peace at this time.
Who is hunted also is a different matter. Some hunters seem to be fine with assuming everyone out at night in the deepest winter is up to no good, while others differentiate between the living and the dead, specific tribes, or other, more oblique criteria.
There is always a Master of the Hunt, but who that is will determine who else might be in the hunt.
Except for the hounds. They always are there (at least 1d20 of them), dark and fearsome, and able to track a target for hundreds of miles. Stories tell they are the spirits of dogs whose death was unjust. (A similar story is told about the steeds)
Bystanders might be affected. Anyone gazing at this phenomenon too long will be affected by this as well (Save vs. Spell) and might be inclined to join the host on it’s way. Anyone meeting the gaze of the host too long will be suspected of challenging them. The recommended behavior is to fall on the ground and avert your gaze. 1d10 Masters of the Hunt1. The Horned One
Stag-headed, shadowy, and fiery-eyed this master of the hunt often shows up in areas where druids hold sway. It is not quite clear what, if anything, this hunter is. A hunting party will consist of the entity, 2d20 hounds of the dark hunt, and only rarely 25% chance also other stag-headed individuals of lower HD. They will hunt down any clerics performing blood sacrifice and necromancers. They will specifically target ones that are level 12 or higher, but they will notice the stench of blood and decay from any practitioner.2. The Lord of Frenzy
One-eyed and riding an eight-legged horse, this being will show up in a large group, with 1d12 Valkyries, and 2d20 spectral warriors who died a straw death. They will hunt down giants and dragons, and those warriors who are slain in battle are immediately carried off by the valkyries.3. The Old Ruler
A spectral king or queen from ancient times will rise together with 1d12 of his finest knights, to drive all invaders off the land. There are few places where people have been living uninterrupted for a long time so the chance for even a local to escape their depredations is only about 50%.4. The Fey
A fey lord or lady of great renown has called to the hunt and will ride out with 1d10 fae warriors and 1d20 faerie goblins. What their goals are seems almost indeterminable, but they seem to slay those with CHA under 7, and abduct those with CHA of 17 or 18 if they can.5. The Lone Hunter
A spectral undead figure in black, only accompanied by a pack of wolf-like black hounds. This used to be a skilled hunter (at least level 9) who had sinned against his chosen deity and now is tasked to hunt down evil-doers during the 12 days. The hunter will not speak, but will be able to communicate with simple gestures. If players help them reach their allotment of quarries they might be released of this bond and gift them an appropriate treasure.6. The Pale Rider
A spectral party lead by a skeletal rider on a white horse and about 2d20 skeletal warriors. These collect the souls of the dead or those who should be dead to join them into their ride.7. The Dragon Slayer
A hunting party of ancient looking warriors lead by a single figure with bare chest and head, hunting for any dragons, wyverns, or other larger serpent-like creatures they can find. Meaningful help in their fight can provide them with a minor treasure from the dragon’s hoard.8. The White Host
A shining white host of 2d100 spirits on spectral horses lead by a cleric in silver armor flies over the sky. Any undead affected by their radiance will be turned/destroyed as if affected by a level 9 cleric.9. The Wild Huntress
A host of mostly female warriors lead by a beautiful huntress in leathers and furs. Their quarry are 10. The Devil
Or at least A devil. This being will ride out with 1d10 fiends in attendance. It’s quarry are oath-breakers, but they will gladly take along anyone they meet. Unlike the other hunts they do not generally fly, and have no problem entering settlements (but they stay clear of sanctified holy places)
#dnd #labyrinthlord #osr #rpg #ttrpg
There are no Glimmermark games for the next two weeks. Which means there also are no expeditions into the wilderness or the local dungeons as we are running on a 1:1 campaign time scale, with every week in real life being about a week in the game.
But why is that?
I mean, why is that for the people in the Glimmermark?
It turns out going out is just not something people do in the Mark, because it’s just too dangerous out there. Evil-doers are about when the nights are the cold and long. But worse, there are those who hunt these evil-doers, and who is an evil-doer or might just be someone with the wrong smell is up for debate. The days between Winter solstice and the first day of the next month is when the Wild Hunt scours the land.
Mind you, NOT the end of the year, as the year in the Glimmermark starts in the height of summer (because I started the campaign on the 1st of July…).What’s a Wild Hunt anyway?
The Wild Hunt is a common motif in the folklore of various western, northern, and eastern European cultures (and maybe even India). How and when it happens is different, but most often it takes place in the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany, although it likely is older than Christianity in these parts, and likely was supposed to be in the days after the winter solstice. Wild Hunts typically involve a chase or hunt lead by a mythological figure, accompanied by other spirits, both of humans, dogs, and other animals, and other mythological figures.
The Wild Hunt was introduced into DnD in the Celtic Mythos section of Deities & Demigods in 1980, and as with many interpretations of the myth for DnD, it was the fantasy-Celtic one of Cerunnos and it’s fey-based origins that stuck with the game even to 5th edition and Pathfinder. And it’s not a bad interpretation, but as someone who actually grew up with the local German folktales of the Wild Hunt this limitation always irked me a bit. I mean, it even claims that only Celtic areas (areas with Druids) would have the Wild Hunt.
Anyway, the stories about the Wild Hunt seem to be most abundant in Germanic countries, and if you want to dive deeper into the topic I can recommend Jürgen Hubert’s website, as he has translated a lot of even rather obscure German folklore into English. Days of the Hunt
People in the Glimmermark will celebrate the winter solstice with drinks and bonfires to light the night. It is quite the sight, as all over the dark landscape fires light up, both in human and non-human settlements. But there is a reason for it, because the day after gods and spirits call to the hunt. If you stay indoors at night you might hear the hounds of the hunt bark in the sky. If you go out at night… well, then you might become the game…
The wild hunt is a supernatural event that takes place once a year for twelve days, from the day after the winter solstice, to the beginning of the new year. Any encounter rolled in the wilderness at night will be with a Wild Hunt, either predetermined, or chosen by rolling on the table below.
People have different stories who actually is leading the hunt, but that all depends on what area they are in. There seems to be an ancient compact that allows gods and other entities to hunt their game in these days, and only if their quarry is abroad. It is possible for multiple wild hunts to meet, and sometimes stories about this have been told, but unless the gods involved have a deep enmity against one another they seem to prefer leaving each other in peace at this time.
Who is hunted also is a different matter. Some hunters seem to be fine with assuming everyone out at night in the deepest winter is up to no good, while others differentiate between the living and the dead, specific tribes, or other, more oblique criteria.
There is always a Master of the Hunt, but who that is will determine who else might be in the hunt.
Except for the hounds. They always are there (at least 1d20 of them), dark and fearsome, and able to track a target for hundreds of miles. Stories tell they are the spirits of dogs whose death was unjust. (A similar story is told about the steeds)
Bystanders might be affected. Anyone gazing at this phenomenon too long will be affected by this as well (Save vs. Spell) and might be inclined to join the host on it’s way. Anyone meeting the gaze of the host too long will be suspected of challenging them. The recommended behavior is to fall on the ground and avert your gaze. 1d10 Masters of the Hunt1. The Horned One
Stag-headed, shadowy, and fiery-eyed this master of the hunt often shows up in areas where druids hold sway. It is not quite clear what, if anything, this hunter is. A hunting party will consist of the entity, 2d20 hounds of the dark hunt, and only rarely 25% chance also other stag-headed individuals of lower HD. They will hunt down any clerics performing blood sacrifice and necromancers. They will specifically target ones that are level 12 or higher, but they will notice the stench of blood and decay from any practitioner.2. The Lord of Frenzy
One-eyed and riding an eight-legged horse, this being will show up in a large group, with 1d12 Valkyries, and 2d20 spectral warriors who died a straw death. They will hunt down giants and dragons, and those warriors who are slain in battle are immediately carried off by the valkyries.3. The Old Ruler
A spectral king or queen from ancient times will rise together with 1d12 of his finest knights, to drive all invaders off the land. There are few places where people have been living uninterrupted for a long time so the chance for even a local to escape their depredations is only about 50%.4. The Fey
A fey lord or lady of great renown has called to the hunt and will ride out with 1d10 fae warriors and 1d20 faerie goblins. What their goals are seems almost indeterminable, but they seem to slay those with CHA under 7, and abduct those with CHA of 17 or 18 if they can.5. The Lone Hunter
A spectral undead figure in black, only accompanied by a pack of wolf-like black hounds. This used to be a skilled hunter (at least level 9) who had sinned against his chosen deity and now is tasked to hunt down evil-doers during the 12 days. The hunter will not speak, but will be able to communicate with simple gestures. If players help them reach their allotment of quarries they might be released of this bond and gift them an appropriate treasure.6. The Pale Rider
A spectral party lead by a skeletal rider on a white horse and about 2d20 skeletal warriors. These collect the souls of the dead or those who should be dead to join them into their ride.7. The Dragon Slayer
A hunting party of ancient looking warriors lead by a single figure with bare chest and head, hunting for any dragons, wyverns, or other larger serpent-like creatures they can find. Meaningful help in their fight can provide them with a minor treasure from the dragon’s hoard.8. The White Host
A shining white host of 2d100 spirits on spectral horses lead by a cleric in silver armor flies over the sky. Any undead affected by their radiance will be turned/destroyed as if affected by a level 9 cleric.9. The Wild Huntress
A host of mostly female warriors lead by a beautiful huntress in leathers and furs. Their quarry are 10. The Devil
Or at least A devil. This being will ride out with 1d10 fiends in attendance. It’s quarry are oath-breakers, but they will gladly take along anyone they meet. Unlike the other hunts they do not generally fly, and have no problem entering settlements (but they stay clear of sanctified holy places)
#dnd #labyrinthlord #osr #rpg #ttrpg