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Bitcoiner / TTEE🍓
2023-02-02 03:43:23

Bitcoiner on Nostr: ...

币价大多数时间都会偏离价值,如何评价一个币是否跑赢BTC?方法就是用拉长周期,去掉刚开始的起步阶段。 1,就像BTC你不能用当年买披萨的价格来说涨了一千万倍。 2,用两个完整的周期做比较,比如在上个周期X/BTC汇率是否再下个周期超过了上个周期顶点。 基于上述标准还没有一个币能在长周期跑赢BTC。🚀🚀🚀

Currency price will deviate from value most of the time, how to evaluate whether a currency outperforms BTC? The idea is to lengthen the cycle and get rid of the initial phase. 1, just like BTC you can't take the price of pizza that went up 10 million times. 2. Compare two complete cycles, such as whether X/BTC exchange rate in the last cycle exceeded the peak of the last cycle in the next cycle. No currency has beaten BTC over a long period based on these criteria.🚀🚀🚀
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