mleku on Nostr: i find this tendency of my ...

i find this tendency of my #catstr #mochi to tilt his head forwards like this a bit worrying, i am a bit foggy on the memory, i think i saw another cat do this at one time that was very sick
but this is what the little guy looks like 3/4 of the daylight hours, curled up in a kitty-egg shape like this
it's amazing how they retain their condition, seems like mainly they are cleaning when awake, and then maybe second most frequent activity is cuddles and then stretching and then eating
probably indicates there is a lot of value in stretching
something i've found difficult since this kidney/cramping problem appeared... i used to be able to touch my toes basically since i was like 12 and until like... 45 or so, now, i get all kinds of issues with muscles threatening to lock up on me
anyhow, i know this cat has some kind of infection in his throat/sinus because he often has nastry goop leaking from his mouth and i know he has gingevitis and sometimes his eyes leak this dark colored mucus
i've given him two separate treatments of internal and external parasites, two different kinds, drontal and something with moxidectin and imidocloprid, and it seems to me like whatever is plaguing his eyes and ears is not responding to anything he's being given, and he also had an antibiotic jab as well, which didn't substantially improve his condition
i gotta try and organise him some better care than the sao vicente vet, i'm betting he needs a small spot of dental surgery and a better, less frequently used antibiotic to end this neverending cold he seems to have
he has a cough too, maybe 2-3 times a day i hear him coughing, but nothing ever comes up, it's not furballs