Jay Peters / theverge.space on Nostr: Threads on the web now has a notification dot. Sometime Wednesday morning, Threads on ...
Threads on the web now has a notification dot.
Sometime Wednesday morning, Threads on the web started showing a little red dot over the notifications tab. The notification dot had been a big omission to the web experience, so I’m glad Meta added it in.
Published at
2023-09-20 16:37:48Event JSON
"id": "ead1204887d7e4883f521b0a90a6f560ad2b2ba046ec4c2ccc5229f8eb956be7",
"pubkey": "d1c4686c99b4bb1af090084982897350e7a89724c843c112b32e274d61734938",
"created_at": 1695227868,
"kind": 1,
"tags": [
"content": "Threads on the web now has a notification dot.\n\nSometime Wednesday morning, Threads on the web started showing a little red dot over the notifications tab. The notification dot had been a big omission to the web experience, so I’m glad Meta added it in.\n\nhttps://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/6oIy25OO2dG_crwg45JUvpxGw0Y=/0x0:621x147/621x147/filters:focal(311x74:312x75)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/24937664/Screenshot_2023_09_20_at_9.29.06_AM.png",
"sig": "1442739c3c6318d1334cc8ffd31b175ab1f0ca8c19d4efc814b559145ff3bcc4e50cd45fff23b0203ff6595894f53defa021f39f795e597e773be9f49c286b11"