What is Nostr?
jack mallers /
2024-04-11 18:54:56
in reply to nevent1q…d6wu

jack mallers on Nostr: why is it a risk? people throwing money at devs to ruin bitcoin has been happening ...

why is it a risk? people throwing money at devs to ruin bitcoin has been happening every since i got into bitcoin in 2013

none of that matters. the risk is if we all adopt and run the code.

blackrock can spent $1T on devs changing bitcoins hard 21m supply cap. unless we, the network, adopt it then it doesn’t matter.

so let devs do whatever they want. fools game thinking we can control what people are going to do with a open source permissionless system. what we need to focus on is distributed consensus, education, being cyber hornets, etc. same it’s always been
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