CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow: on Nostr: Do you want to block threads from your account? :ablobcatnod: Would you rather eat a ...
Do you want to block threads from your account?
Would you rather eat a plastic milk jug ring than see a Facebook minion meme on your timeline?
Well oh boy do I have a treat for you! If you're like me and have *at least* three different Mastodon accounts (or even just one!), you can dom-block them quick fast and in a hurry...<li>Sᴛᴇᴘ 1: Login to your account. 🖼️¹</li><li>Sᴛᴇᴘ 2: Go to <strong>Settings</strong>, then <strong>Development</strong> 🖼️²</li><li>Sᴛᴇᴘ 3: Create a <strong>New application</strong> with at least <em>write</em> or <em>write:blocks</em> access. 🖼️³</li><li>Sᴛᴇᴘ 4: After you saved, click on the name of your application and copy <strong>Your access token</strong> 🖼️⁴</li><li>Sᴛᴇᴘ 5: Repeat for all your accounts, then run the following shell script... (with your info in the first part, of course)</li><code>readarray -t pw <<EOF<br> KEY1<br> KEY2<br> KEY3<br>EOF<br><br>masdablock() {<br> local i c u p<br> while [ -n "$1" ]; do<br> for ((i=0;i<${#pw[@]};i++));do<br> read -ra p <<<"${pw[i]}"<br> u="$p/api/v1/domain_blocks"<br> u="https://${u}?domain=$1"<br> c="Authorization: Bearer ${p[1]}"<br> curl -H "$c" -X "POST" "$u"<br> done; shift; echo<br> done;<br>}<br>masdablock<br></code>
Mastodon API documentation relating to accounts can be found here:
#MastodonTips #Threads #Privacy #️⃣CatSalad
Would you rather eat a plastic milk jug ring than see a Facebook minion meme on your timeline?
Well oh boy do I have a treat for you! If you're like me and have *at least* three different Mastodon accounts (or even just one!), you can dom-block them quick fast and in a hurry...<li>Sᴛᴇᴘ 1: Login to your account. 🖼️¹</li><li>Sᴛᴇᴘ 2: Go to <strong>Settings</strong>, then <strong>Development</strong> 🖼️²</li><li>Sᴛᴇᴘ 3: Create a <strong>New application</strong> with at least <em>write</em> or <em>write:blocks</em> access. 🖼️³</li><li>Sᴛᴇᴘ 4: After you saved, click on the name of your application and copy <strong>Your access token</strong> 🖼️⁴</li><li>Sᴛᴇᴘ 5: Repeat for all your accounts, then run the following shell script... (with your info in the first part, of course)</li><code>readarray -t pw <<EOF<br> KEY1<br> KEY2<br> KEY3<br>EOF<br><br>masdablock() {<br> local i c u p<br> while [ -n "$1" ]; do<br> for ((i=0;i<${#pw[@]};i++));do<br> read -ra p <<<"${pw[i]}"<br> u="$p/api/v1/domain_blocks"<br> u="https://${u}?domain=$1"<br> c="Authorization: Bearer ${p[1]}"<br> curl -H "$c" -X "POST" "$u"<br> done; shift; echo<br> done;<br>}<br>masdablock<br></code>
Mastodon API documentation relating to accounts can be found here:
#MastodonTips #Threads #Privacy #️⃣CatSalad