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2023-12-01 05:51:40
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Scott - Seeing Like a State_ How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed-Yale University Press (1998).epub", "4190993" ], [ "file", "(Yale agrarian studies) Scott, James C - The art of not being governed _ an anarchist history of upland Southeast Asia-Yale University Press (2009).epub", "3694674" ], [ "file", "21 Lessons What Ive Learned from Falling Down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole by Gigi, Gigi (z-lib.org).epub", "10176386" ], [ "file", "Alex Epstein - Fossil Future_ Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas--Not Less (2022, Portfolio) - libgen.li.epub", "6956678" ], [ "file", "Antifragile Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb (z-lib.org).epub", "3288726" ], [ "file", "Bitcoin Is Venice author edition 0622.pdf", "10682083" ], [ "file", "Carl Menger - The Origins of Money-Ludwig von Mises Institute (2009).epub", "1114557" ], [ "file", "Champagne, Phil - The Book of Satoshi_ The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto (2014, The Book Of Satoshi, 9780996061315,0996061312) - libgen.lc.epub", "527150" ], [ "file", "Confessions of an economic hit man by John Perkins (z-lib.org).epub", "2325629" ], [ "file", "G Edward Griffin - The Creature from Jekyll Island_ A Second Look at the Federal Reserve 5th ed 2010-American Media, Inc. (2010).epub", "2725603" ], [ "file", "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford (z-lib.org).epub", "533160" ], [ "file", "Jason P. Lowery - Softwar - A Novel Theory On Power Projection (2023).pdf", "6193510" ], [ "file", "Kevin Kelly - What Technology Wants -Viking Adult (2010).epub", "1039619" ], [ "file", "Knut Svanholm, Mel Shilling (editor), Niko Laamanen (editor) - Bitcoin_ Everything divided by 21 million (2022, Konsensus Network) - libgen.li.epub", "335075" ], [ "file", "Knut Svanholm, Mel Shilling (editor), Niko Laamanen (editor) - Praxeology_ The invisible hand that feeds you - libgen.li.epub", "5719771" ], [ "file", "Layered Money From Gold and Dollars to Bitcoin and Central Bank Digital Currencies by Nik Bhatia (z-lib.org).epub", "2546491" ], [ "file", "Lyn Alden - Broken Money_ Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better-Timestamp Press (2023).epub", "3771878" ], [ "file", "Maps of Meaning ( PDFDrive ).epub", "3328486" ], [ "file", "Marian L. Tupy, Gale L. 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