Summary of Dockworkers threaten to strike at key U.S. ports over automation and pay
Summary of Dockworkers threaten to strike at key U.S. ports over automation and pay
The International Longshoremen’s Union is demanding higher wages and a total ban on the automation of cranes, gates, and container movements at 36 US ports. If a strike occurs, it could shut down ports, affect the US economy, and lead to shortages of consumer products.
quoting nevent1q…6ugvDockworkers threaten to strike at key U.S. ports over automation and pay
Determined to thwart the automating of their jobs, about 45,000 dockworkers along the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts are threatening to strike on Oct. 1.
The International Longshoremen’s Union is demanding higher wages and a total ban on the automation of cranes, gates, and container movements at 36 US ports. If a strike occurs, it could shut down ports, affect the US economy, and lead to shortages of consumer products.