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馃尲Traci馃尲 /
2023-12-03 10:03:38

馃尲Traci馃尲 on Nostr: When we first started out on this property it was nearly 100% pasture for running ...

When we first started out on this property it was nearly 100% pasture for running beef cattle. Michael immediately determined which areas were not apt for pasture (nearly half of it) and let the process of natural succession get to work.

Letting #nature lend a hand for a few years certainly helped a lot to prep for the converting of all that land into a productive polyculture food forest.

More recently we've decided to eliminate two additional pastures, spaces that have been maintained this whole time to support our small herd of dairy cows and pack horses but have proven to be too steep to withstand hoof traffic without erosion.

The #cacao trees are ready and need to be planted, we have an order of more rare and interesting fruit #trees being delivered later this week, and a LOT of #coffee starting to come up in their nursery bags that will need to be planted later in the new year.

The work of prepping and converting pasture into a #FoodForst is distinct from planting under pioneer trees that provide much needed shade for recent transplants. The concepts of #SyntropicAgriculture have been inspiring, however, and we're excited to see this next - somewhat unexpected - development of the property take shape.


Cuando empezamos a trabajar esta propiedad, era casi 100% pasto para el ganado vacuno. Michael determin贸 inmediatamente qu茅 zonas no eran aptas para pastos (casi la mitad) y dej贸 que el proceso de sucesi贸n natural se pusiera manos a la obra.

Dejar que la #naturaleza echara una mano durante unos a帽os ayud贸 mucho a preparar la conversi贸n de toda esa tierra en un bosque productivo de policultivos.

M谩s recientemente hemos decidido eliminar dos potreros adicionales, espacios que se han mantenido todo este tiempo para apoyar a nuestro peque帽o reba帽o de vacas lecheras y caballos de carga, pero han demostrado ser demasiado empinada para soportar el tr谩fico de pezu帽as sin erosi贸n.

Los 谩rboles de #cacao est谩n listos y necesitan ser plantados, tenemos un pedido de #谩rboles frutales raros e interesantes que ser谩n entregados a finales de esta semana, y un MONT脫N de #caf茅 empezando a salir en sus bolsas de vivero que necesitar谩n ser sembrados m谩s tarde en el nuevo a帽o.

El trabajo de preparaci贸n y conversi贸n de los pastos en un #BosqueProductivo es distinto de la plantaci贸n bajo los 谩rboles pioneros que proporcionan sombra muy necesaria para los trasplantes recientes. Los conceptos de #AgriculturaSintropica han sido inspiradores, sin embargo, y estamos emocionados de realizar este pr贸ximo - y algo inesperado - paso de desarrollo de la finca.

#RegenerativeAgriculture #Permaculture #Sustainable #OrganicFarming #TropicalFarming #Homesteading #Agroecology #Agroecologia

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