What is Nostr?
merryoscar / Oscar Merry
2024-04-08 20:25:17
in reply to nevent1q…w724

merryoscar on Nostr: "Similarly, this is why feed-based recommendation engines devolve into slot machines ...

"Similarly, this is why feed-based recommendation engines devolve into slot machines for your dopamine receptors. The longer you stay glued to your screen, the more ads you will see, the more revenue will be generated for the platform. This is also why most YouTube channels devolve into 7-15 minute snippets with thumbnails that portray the face of someone who just stepped on a piece of Legos. Short enough to convince you to watch it, long enough to make you forget what video you wanted to watch in the first place. Like rats pushing buttons in hyper-personalized Skinner boxes, we are conditioned into addiction cycles to maximize shareholder profits."
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