firmament on Nostr: it happens in places where it isn't legal to open carry in the US, and the police ...
it happens in places where it isn't legal to open carry in the US, and the police openly carry firearms in most countries >>
The police are corrupt and mental and physical health go severely under-addressed in the US. The US has only seen gun related deaths rise as stricter gun control has been put in place, it doesn't take much to see that it is a symptom of a different problem.
You're just susceptible to your governments propaganda on not letting citizens have firearms.
The police are corrupt and mental and physical health go severely under-addressed in the US. The US has only seen gun related deaths rise as stricter gun control has been put in place, it doesn't take much to see that it is a symptom of a different problem.
You're just susceptible to your governments propaganda on not letting citizens have firearms.