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Pastor Coin 🫡
2024-08-31 17:00:06

Pastor Coin 🫡 on Nostr: https://youtu.be/xPMuXS8lkg0-crHEsyqcvmHfY There has to be a better answer than, ...


There has to be a better answer than, "Just pay your taxes!"

This thought echoed through my mind as I read Jesus' words once again: "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's..."

I'm excited to introduce my upcoming book, Render to God: Christ's Dominion and Human Taxation. The motivation behind this work stems from my relentless refusal to accept conventional answers to difficult questions.

God commands us not to steal. Does that apply to governments as well? How is it righteous for them to take your income, then tax your property? Surely, God does not condone tyrants seizing property and imprisoning those who can't pay property taxes...

Yet, Jesus tells us to give to Caesar what is Caesar's. Paul instructs us to pay taxes to whom taxes are owed. Peter urges us to honor the Emperor as supreme!

I couldn’t live with this tension. There had to be answers. The problem wasn't in the text—it was in my understanding of it.

So, I embarked on a journey. I studied, prayed, studied, prayed, and trusted God to guide me toward clarity. At times, I was frustrated, but that frustration soon transformed into exhilaration as God illuminated His Word to me once again.

This book is the fruit of that journey. Now, I invite you to embark on that journey with me.

Let’s go!

Can't wait? I get it. Sign up for my newsletter and you can read the intro for free!!!
Author Public Key