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Daniel Pomarède /
2024-12-13 11:50:20

Daniel Pomarède on Nostr: Zooms on the Sol 1356 Mastcam-Z mosaic, looking into the West. More images are on ...

Zooms on the Sol 1356 Mastcam-Z mosaic, looking into the West. More images are on their way.

Perseverance will be headed to a scientifically significant rocky outcrop about 1,500 feet (450 meters) down this side of the rim that the science team calls “Witch Hazel Hill.”
ℹ️ https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/nasas-perseverance-rover-reaches-top-of-jezero-crater-rim/

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU

#Mars #Perseverance #LookoutHill #rover #Sol1356 #PerseveranceRover #Mars2020 #space #science #STEM #news #JezeroCrater #RimCampain #RimScience #geology #WitchHazelHill

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