What is Nostr?
Kind 9802
Author Public Key
Published at
2024-01-19 00:33:00
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "b5f003f6dd7cdf4c7f40a255a891a2eeec6032b7ad4c4c9466f9b4f6b8c67f58", "pubkey": "fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52", "created_at": 1705624380, "kind": 9802, "tags": [ [ "context", "" ], [ "a", "30023:1bc70a0148b3f316da33fe3c89f23e3e71ac4ff998027ec712b905cd24f6a411:1689936610900" ], [ "e", "aea443a30fd8404f9b817a701f3dab57684d34bcb82cf1f0d6def1f9f4d0bb2b" ], [ "p", "1bc70a0148b3f316da33fe3c89f23e3e71ac4ff998027ec712b905cd24f6a411" ], [ "client", "highlighter", "31990:4f7bd9c066a7b21d750b4e8dbf4440ef1e80c64864341550200b8481d530c5ce:1703282708172" ] ], "content": "Price is not just a request for value, but it acts as a feedback signal for future content. If you have no idea what people are paying for, it’s difficult to know if what you create is worth anything. A situation where the vast majority of your content is consumed for free yield a lot of noise. ", "sig": "0e53aad69f3623569acc3bf278e0c96fc945740d2c14c6b42837d0548c394c83f67c4bcb2b6cddae76a3c98af24435528b32b0d6c9bad92d361838cd414b96cc" }