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Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva
2024-07-28 04:39:42

Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva on Nostr: Libre Permissive License By Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva Version: 2024-July-27 *** ...

Libre Permissive License

By Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva

Version: 2024-July-27


This License (fuскіng recursion) is under a rolling [releas/updat]e mode[l]. Also, you can search for the text of this license in websites that archive web pages.


•The [distribution/release/publication] of the [produc/t/echnologie]s covered by this License (fuскіng recursion) in any form must come w/ the proper İP (İntellectual Property) notice, and this License (fuскіng recursion), in a plainly accessible way. This text (fuскіng recursion) must come in a constant letter size, to avoid the «[small/fіne] print» problem.

•Anyone ⭑CAN⭑ [crea/distribu]te [proprietary/closed/obfuscated]-sourced [produc/t/echnologie]s under this License (fuскіng recursion), provided that they respect the terms of this License (fuскіng recursion) normally.

•Anti-Piracy Clause – The licensors (or the [provid/suppli/manufactur]ers) of the [produc/t/echnologie]s covered by this License (fuскіng recursion), ⭑HAVE THE RİGHT⭑ to embed malicious features (including backdoors, malwares, etc.), intending to [harm/spy/eavesdrop/expose] the [licensee / end-user]s that [obtain/us]ed pirated versions of the [produc/t/echnologie]s under this License (fuскіng recursion); this includes DRM (Digital Rights Management). Both the licensors (or the [provid/suppli/manufactur]ers) and the [licensee / end-user]s have the right to take techn[nolog]ical (not legal) measures, countermeasures, and anti-countermeasures against each other, in order to [prevent/ensure/enforce] this; and so forth, in an ⭑ad æternum⭑ (endless) techn[nolog]ical arms race.

•Anyone ⭑CAN⭑ [crea/distribu]te NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) under this License (fuскіng recursion), provided that they respect the terms of this License (fuскіng recursion) normally, and take the responsibility for their own acts. Objection: «But the NFTs for a game are useless if the gaming company goes bankrupt, and the servers of the game become offline.». Answer: the gamers that buy it already know that, so they chose to take this risk; furthermore, if the company uses a non-blockchain option and goes bankrupt, the items will be lost in the same way. Objection: «But it’s a Ponzi Scheme scam; they’re used in money laundering.». Answer: those who buy them already know the risks, and chose to take them; if you think that NTFs are an inherent Ponzi Scheme scam, or used in money laundering, you have the following options: notify the authorities, or use your freedom of speech to publicly speak against it (raising the public awareness about it). Objection: «But people are buying bad art for a high price.». Answer: this is THEİR money, so this is THEİR problem. Objection: «This is an economic bubble.». Answer: this is the money of the buyers and sellers, so this is THEİR problem; furthermore, when an economic bubble bursts, most of its bad investments automatically go bankrupt, while most of the good investments survive. Objection: «People are [crea/distribu]ting [racist/Nazi/fascist/pedophile] material w/ the NFT technology.». Answer: the [crea/distribu]tion of such kinds of material predates the advent of the [Web/internet]; if you saw such a kind of material, you have the following options: notify the authorities (supposing that the [crea/distribu]tion of this kind of material is a crime in the jurisdiction in qüestion), or [crea/distribu]te yourself a better anti-[racist/Nazi/fascist/pedophile] material. Objection: «NFTs are a stillborn fad.». Answer: ¿ so why you’re still complaining about them? Objection: «NFTs are part of the Web 3.0, the project of libertarian dystopia.» Answer: sure, NFTs are part of a decentralized web; and the centralized web of your wet dreams is part of the plan for a communist tyranny. Objection: «The technology for the NFTs is power-hungry, releasing carbon into the atmosphere.». Answer: if you’re worried about the electric energy supply, just stop opposing the construction of new nuclear power plants; if you’re worried about the environmental impact of the carbon, start by paying attention to the «socialist» Norway greenwashing its oil-gas industry (no value judgment about the global oil-gas industry here); if you want to save the world by saving electric energy, just stop watching [gау/հоmоѕехuаl] роrnоgrарհу; if you want to save the world by decreasing the air pollution by the carbon, just stop smoking [weed/marijuana/cannabis/ganja]. Objection: «NFTs are useless». Answer: no one complains about the uselessness of the dildos in your drawer; so there’s no reason to do it against the NFTs. Objection: «¡ Stop [buy/purcha]sing what İ don’t like!». Answer: fuск you. One fіnal consideration: piracy of copyrighted works predates the advent of the computing, and the members of certain militant groups don’t even blink an eye (no value judgment about the piracy here); but try to [crea/distribu]te a NFT, and everyone loses their minds. Long story short: it’s simply irrational to prohibit the [crea/distribu]tion of NFTs just because of such objections.

•Providing the [produc/t/echnologie]s covered by this License (fuскіng recursion) as a service (even through a network) DOESN’T exempt anyone from following this License’s (fuскіng recursion) terms.

•This License (fuскіng recursion) grants to the [licensee / end-user]s the unrestricted right to redistribute copies of this [produc/t/echnologie]s, in original or modifіed forms, no matter if it’s in a commercial or non-commercial form; however, the modifіed forms must be clearly identifіed as that, in order to avoid them being mistaken w/ the original version distributed by the licensors, and this also applies to the logotypes, names, and trademarks used.

•Creating modifіed forms of the [produc/t/echnologie]s covered by this License (fuскіng recursion) constitutes it as a derivative work.

•Non-Endorsement Clause – Anyone ⭑HAS⭑ the right to make statements of compatibility between any [produc/t/echnologie]s platforms and the [produc/t/echnologie]s platforms covered by this License (fuскіng recursion). However, the names, and associated trademarks, of the licensors and contributors, ⭑CAN’T⭑ be used in [merchandising/advertising/propaganda] campaigns, or in claims of [endorsement/promotion/affіliation], except under prior legally recognized permission from the licensors themselves.

•This License (fuскіng recursion) is: irrevocable, multiverse-wide (and also across all the planes of existence), unrestricted, royalty-free, non-exclusive, impersonal, and ⭑APPLİED İN MATTERS OF PATENTS⭑.

•İf the [produc/t/echnologie]s covered by this License (fuскіng recursion) include or [depend/relie/need]s on a patented technology, this patented technology must also be provided under this same License (fuскіng recursion), always in the latest version available for this License (fuскіng recursion).

•The licensors give the [permission/grant] to take technical countermeasures, in order to circumvent the technical measures that they may put in the [produc/t/echnologie]s covered by this License (fuскіng recursion) preventing [modifіed/competing/alternative] technologies from being [executed/ran/used] in them; obviously, this also includes the [permission/grant] to [execute/run/use] these [modifіed/competing/alternative] technologies.

•Anyone can [execute/run/use/study/modify] the [produc/t/echnologie]s covered by this License (fuскіng recursion) for any purpose (however, the licensors are automatically exempt from any liability for any [harm/damages/conseqüences] that may arise from this), including, but not limited to, purposes of warfare, [chemical/biological/nuclear] weapons, crime, and terrorism. This includes material that’s deemed to be undesirable or «non-standard» (however, the ones [develop/distribut/provid]ing it must remember that they must respect the Non-Endorsement Clause normally, and be aware of the legal conseqüences that they may face). This includes (but isn’t limited to) material that’s deemed: aberrant, abhorrent, abnormal, abominable, abusive, abysmal, adult, aggravating, agitating, alluring, annoying, anomalous, anti-Semitic, apostatical, appalling, ardent, arrogant, atrocious, atypical, beguiling, betraying, biased, bigoted, bizarre, blameworthy, blasphemous, bleak, brutal, calumniating, careless, carnal, challenging, charming, condemnable, contaminated, contemptuous, contentious, controversial, corrupt, corrupted, criminal, crude, cruel, cynical, damaging, damnable, defaming, defіled, delightful, demonic, deplorable, depraved, depreciatory, depressing, derogatory, desecrating, desperate, despicable, destructive, detestable, detractive, deviant, devilish, diabolical, dictatorial, dirty, disappointing, disastrous, discourteous, discriminatory, disdainful, disgraceful, disgusting, dishonorable, dismal, dismissive, disparaging, disrespectful, disruptive, disturbing, divisive, eccentric, enticing, erotic, evil, explicit, exploiting, exquisite, extraordinary, extremist, fascist, fearful, fervent, fіery, fіlthy, foolhardy, foolish, foul, fraudulent, frightening, frustrating, ghastly, gloomy, godless, gory, grievous, gross, grotesque, gruesome, guilty, harmful, harrowing, hateful, hazardous, heartless, hellish, heretical, hideous, hopeless, horrendous, horrid, hostile, hurtful, ignoble, ignorant, illegal, illicit, ill-mannered, immodest, immoral, impious, impolite, improper, imprudent, impulsive, impure, inappropriate, incautious, incendiary, incestuous, inciting, inconsiderate, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, indiscreet, infernal, infuriating, injudicious, insensitive, insinuating, insolent, insulting, intense, intimate, intolerant, irregular, irresistible, irresponsible, irreverent, irritating, lascivious, lewd, loathsome, Luciferian, luscious, lustful, macabre, malefіcent, malevolent, malicious, malignant, masochist, mature, miserable, misogynistic, mocking, monstrous, morbid, murderous, nasty, nauseating, Nazi, nefarious, negligent, non-traditional, objectionable, obscene, odd, odious, offensive, outlandish, outrageous, paraphilic (necrophilia, pedophilia, zoophilia, coprophilia, urophilia, foot fetish, etc.), passionate, peculiar, perverted, pessimistic, pleasurable, poisonous, polluted, pornographic, prejudiced, profane, provocative, racist, radical, raunchy, reckless, reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rotten, rude, ruthless, sacrilegious, sadist, sadistic, salacious, satanic, savage, scandalous, scornful, seductive, sensual, sexist, sexual, sexy, shameful, shameless, sickening, sinful, sinister, smoldering, sorrowful, spiteful, spoiled, stimulating, strange, suggestive, sultry, tactless, tainted, tempting, terrible, terrorist, thoughtless, thrilling, titillating, torturing, toxic, tragic, treacherous, twisted, tyrannical, unacceptable, uncivil, unclean, unconventional, uncouth, undignifіed, unethical, ungodly, unhealthy, unjust, unlawful, unorthodox, unprincipled, unsettling, unsuitable, untrustworthy, unusual, unwise, vicious, vile, violent, voluptuous, vulgar, [whatever]phobic (homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, etc.), wicked, wretched, etc. (¡ hell, this is just a bunch of examples, not a systematic study on fuскіng adjectives!). İn other words, this License doesn’t use a sanitized darkness.

•Any legal measures taken by the licensors or their legal representatives, to negate or restrict any right given by this License (fuскіng recursion), are automatically [void/null/cancelled].

•Anyone can study the technologies covered by this License (fuскіng recursion) , and this includes the [permission/grant] to do it through reverse engineering; this also includes the [permission/grant] to in[vade/tercept] (in either physical or [virtual/informational/digital/analog] form) the (but not limited to these) [server/facilitie/premise/building/factory/installation/correspondence]s of the licensors, ⭑[SOL/EXCLUSİV]ELY FOR THE PURPOSES AND SCOPE OF STUDYİNG AND REVERSE ENGİNEERİNG OF THE [PRODUCT/TECHNOLOGİE]S COVERED İN THİS LİCENSE⭑ (so this License (fuскіng recursion) CAN’T be used as ex[cuse/emption] to the in[vade/tercepto]rs to commit crimes against the licensors, or anyone else). This includes an unrestricted [permission/grant] for the development, dis[tribution/semination], and use, of the [tool/information]s, used to do this [reverse engineering / invasion / interception]; this also includes an unrestricted [permission/grant] for sharing the informations [collect/gather]ed from these methods of [reverse engineering / invasion / interception] (including, but not limited to, its source code). Both the licensors (or the [provid/suppli/manufactur]ers) and the [licensee / end-user]s have the right to engage in a techn[nolog]ical arms race against each other, like in the Anti-Piracy Clause.

•This License (fuскіng recursion) automatically makes [void/null/cancelled] the legal validity of any [trade secrets / NDAs (non-disclosure agreements)] involving: information about the [produc/t/echnologie]s covered by this License (fuскіng recursion) (including the ones concerning the aforementioned restrictive technical measures and their respective countermeasures), and information concerning the aforementioned methods of [reverse engineering / invasion] (⭑TO BE DONE SOLELY FOR THE AFOREMENTİONED PURPOSES AND SCOPES); this includes an unrestricted [permission/grant] for the development, dis[tribution/semination], and use, of the [tool/information]s about them.

•This License (fuскіng recursion) ⭑per se⭑ (by itself) DOESN’T provide any kind of warranty to the [licensee / end-user]s. The exception is the embedding of malicious features in a way not covered by the Anti-Piracy Clause; in this case, the responsible ones will be brought to the justice. Also, the licensors, or the [provid/suppli/manufactur]ers of the [produc/t/echnologie]s covered by this License (fuскіng recursion), have the normal rights to cancel or otherwise modify the existing warranty of the provided [produc/t/echnologie]s if it was proven that the method employed in the [reverse engineering / invasion], or the [execution/running/use] of [modifіed/competing/alternative] technologies, inside these products, caused [damage/harm/malfunction] on them. The [cancell/alter]ation of the warranty must be proportional and coherent w/ the [damage/harm/malfunction] that was caused.

•This License (fuскіng recursion) ⭑per se⭑ (by itself) DOESN’T constitute in any kind of legal [service/consulting/advice] among the ones involved in this License (fuскіng recursion); as such, it DOESN’T constitute a [lawyer/attorney/solicitor/barrister/mentor]-[client/customer/protégée] relationship among them.

•This License (fuскіng recursion) ⭑per se⭑ (by itself) DOESN’T constitute in any kind of labor relationship among the ones involved in this License (fuскіng recursion); this includes (but isn’t limited to) the relationships of employer-[employee/worker], [partner/associate/comrade]s, [provid/suppli/manufactur]er-c[lient/ustomer], or anything else.

•İf all the İP (İntellectual Properties) of the [produc/t/echnologie]s covered by this License (fuскіng recursion) expired (effectively entering into the Public Domain), no one has the obligation (or even a reason) to follow this License (fuскіng recursion). However, the original authors still retain their moral right to attribution.
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