Longshoremen Union Boss Lives Large While Boasting About Crippling the Economy
Longshoremen Union Boss Lives Large While Boasting About Crippling the Economy
In the interest of full disclosure, I once belonged to the Teamster's Union. It was mandatory for my job at a lumber yard, particularly as a truck driver. I never did discover the benefits of being in a union, although I suppose there were more benefits for the guys who worked there for many years as opposed to the few years I was employed there. I just know that I paid my dues every month, and that was the extent of it.
In the interest of full disclosure, I once belonged to the Teamster's Union. It was mandatory for my job at a lumber yard, particularly as a truck driver. I never did discover the benefits of being in a union, although I suppose there were more benefits for the guys who worked there for many years as opposed to the few years I was employed there. I just know that I paid my dues every month, and that was the extent of it.