mleku on Nostr: i persuaded him to sit in front of the bright IR lamp and get warmed up proper ...
i persuaded him to sit in front of the bright IR lamp and get warmed up proper
2 years ago i wrangled a half-breed russian to come and pop out her babies in my apartment and 2 of them died from the cold
cats are technically warm blooded animals but actually their heaters are weak, and they don't develop until they are about 4 months old, and the main thing is the instinct to seek warm environments
cats have a strong training to stay in warm spots and it's because they are really semi-warm blooded animals, something in between lemur and lizard
i consider it to be a fact that this species has a special connection to our own, and its biology and temperament are instructive about things that we bipedal creatures should pay attention to
you may have heard of the myths of teh ancient land of Mu
that name is also the root of the name of the domestic cat's ancestor the lemur, mu, lemur.
the ancient civilization of Mu was centered around modern day indonesia, where also the lemur originated
the european forest cat is a direct ancestor of the lemur, and on the left side of the fork that went to the monkey and thence to the ape and thence to us
so for me, kittahs are not just good for keeping the rats away, they are our ancestors

2 years ago i wrangled a half-breed russian to come and pop out her babies in my apartment and 2 of them died from the cold
cats are technically warm blooded animals but actually their heaters are weak, and they don't develop until they are about 4 months old, and the main thing is the instinct to seek warm environments
cats have a strong training to stay in warm spots and it's because they are really semi-warm blooded animals, something in between lemur and lizard
i consider it to be a fact that this species has a special connection to our own, and its biology and temperament are instructive about things that we bipedal creatures should pay attention to
you may have heard of the myths of teh ancient land of Mu
that name is also the root of the name of the domestic cat's ancestor the lemur, mu, lemur.
the ancient civilization of Mu was centered around modern day indonesia, where also the lemur originated
the european forest cat is a direct ancestor of the lemur, and on the left side of the fork that went to the monkey and thence to the ape and thence to us
so for me, kittahs are not just good for keeping the rats away, they are our ancestors