What is Nostr?
2024-04-03 15:25:41

Love&Thunder on Nostr: Even in death, I shall be tied to you. ...

Even in death, I shall be tied to you.
### Puntan Dos Amåntes/Two Lovers Point
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(\^\^\^Today it is a tourist attraction. FYI: It is a remote, gated, and has "security" patrol at night.)

👉Please Read this Historical Notes first to gain a better context of the story. Author's Notes at the end.

🔎📚📖📜⚔Historical Notes:
This narrative occurs during the Spanish occupation of Guam. Probably in the 17th century. When the Chamorro people were under the jurisdiction of the Spanish Empire. In ancient Chamorro society, the structure was matrilineal. Let's translate that, the eldest women in the clan had the power, wealth, and influence in the family hierarchy. Young boys were required to attend Guma Uritao (school) to learn how to provide, defend, and treat a woman. If a young man wanted to marry, he needed his uncle and mother to help him get authorization to begin a courtship. He would also have to provide a substantial amount of wealth to his bride and her to family. If he was deemed disloyal or failed to keep his wife happy in accordance with his training, she could choose to leave him and keep the money that was granted to her. (Remember that in ancient times, wealth was made up of polished turtle shells). This wasn't received very well with the Spanish. They fervently criticized the ancient Chamorro customs and traditions. They went to significant measures to eradicate Guma Uritao and its cultural practices. This also marked the end of the stone quarrying of latte stones. It is regarded as a historical achievement as the Spanish were successful at transferring leadership from women to men.

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(\^\^\^Latte Stone still stands today as a strong structure despite decades)

🎉🎊Let's begin...

Long ago, amid a time of the powerful Spanish Empire. There was a gorgeous girl born into a high-class family. Her beauty reverberated over the island. She was connected to the island's homeland as well as the Spanish Crown's position as the leading world power. Granddaughter of the island chieftain, father of a high-ranking Spanish Caption. She seemed to have everything, including wealth, status, and, most importantly, beauty.

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Her parents had trained her to be dutiful, ladylike, and considerate of those around her. She had no need to be concerned about security because of the vast quantity of land she owned. She had numerous young admirers who tried to arrange a marriage for her hand.

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Many of the suitors were disapproved of by her father. Until a caption in her father's army heard about her beauty and sought her out. He decided she had to be his the moment he laid eyes on her. For it would be the most advantageous marriage between the two parties. She was from a wealthy family and possessed European ancestry. A marriage with him would boost her family's status even further.\

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(\^\^Ai Could not give appropriate images of 17th century pictures of Spanish captions so you'll have to settle for this image of how the Spanish military dressed in 1600-1650 era)\

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(\^\^\^Literally the best Ai could muster)\

Her parents decided that aligning with the Spanish Empire was the most beneficial for their daughter and her lineage. They had to keep their land and reputation, so it appeared to be the best decision for all parties. The Caption was older, gruff, and lacked kindness in his gaze.
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The girl has always been a dutiful and obedient. She had always obeyed her parents but could not bring herself to agree to the marriage. She reluctantly agreed to the proposal in front of her parents and the caption, but she was filled with anger and resentment inside.

She fled to Tumon Bay and cried on the beach under the midnight sun. A fisherman comes ashore to complete his nighttime routine and stumbles across her. He was beyond impoverished; he had no title, land, or fortune to offer, but he wiped away the girl's tears with the shirt off his back. He was charmed by the girl's beauty and had briefly sheltered her from her dreadful reality. She was moved by his kindness and gentle caress. They had fallen in love. ![]( )
They agreed, they would rendezvous again the next day, and the day after that, and so on. ...

On the day before her wedding, she mustered her courage and announced to her parents that she did not want to marry the Caption and that her heart belonged to another. This infuriated her father. She stares at her mother, pleading with her eyes, but her mother simply nods in disapproval. The father ordered that she marry the caption the next day, leaving no space for dispute, and then dismissed her to her chambers.

So she snuck out that night and told her beloved, "I would rather die than end up with the caption." The young man replied, "If I don't have you, I would rather not live." So they fled into Tumon's caves, which were enveloped by the dense jungle. They had unfettered devotion and desired each other's tenderly embrace. And for a while, those short and sweet bittersweet souls sequestered themselves in the deep caves, forsaking the outside world. ![]( ) Her father follows up on his daughter the next day. He discovered her bed to be left vacant. He immediately asks the caption to search for his daughter.(Because this is an excellent use of crown funds. 😅) The Caption, humiliated by her rejection, commands his trained men to scramble around the island in pursuit of his bride-to-be.
![]( ) After a few days, hoping the commotion would die down; the couple learned that the army were closing in on them. Destroying their little piece of heaven out of existences. 🏹⚔🗡They make their way further up to a clearing near the edge of a cliff. With nowhere to flee or hide and troops closing in on them, they share their final embrace. The girl ties a ribbon around her hand and his, and they escape toward the edge together.

The father demands the Caption men search for his daughter and boy. But all the troops could find was the ribbon used.


👉Author Notes:
Please be aware that this is a tragic love story similar to Romeo and Juliet. When you're young and in love, it can feel like the world is ending when you can't be together. This is especially true when you're still in school. I promise you that after high school, it will get better. Exponentially, if you decide to attend college. I do not advocate or want to sound as if I am glorifying suicide(Children listen up👂encase you don't got parents- don't go jumping off buildings because of HeartBreak!💔). Just like R&J, it is the children who paid the price of their parents decision based on agendas. A lot of items are lost, had our heroine been an ancient Chamorita she would have much more of a say in choosing her partner. [You gotta admit that pretty awesome, how many cultures could say that?] Ancient Chamorro women were revered and held leadership in the each of their own respective clans. 🌴🌺 Oh in case you were wondering about the Latte Stones those were used to support home structures. Similar to stilt houses in the water, but these were used on land for homes.

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If you like it, send me some ❤❤hearts❤ and if you didn't like it-⚡⚡🍑🍑zap⚡⚡🍑 me

Onigirl will be taking a break to work on a book for actual publishing- detail to follow. Maybe by video, like a tiktok style? Whatcha think? I'd love to hear what the community has to say. According to my bestie I got an animated voice!\

Btw, yes, it will be edited by a bunch of professionals **not by me.** I'm just the creator\~!

Thank you 1000x
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