What is Nostr?
Robert Mader /
2023-03-31 14:08:27

Robert Mader on Nostr: Pretty cool milestone for cameras on the #[0] and the #[1] + #[2] stack today: the ...

Pretty cool milestone for cameras on the npub1hypkn33063slq25lz5lfvsqf44ksapy6vdp5g5nt0vs7rude37kq4grapg (npub1hyp…rapg) and the npub13e9vsfzqjlsqmkamfaffk6s0e0z0cwjn2an3hgtmr6h90kfu363qmd8hr2 (npub13e9…8hr2) + npub1699q8jv7n22v4nec6cxqk26pfnsljfj9x78w0ts5ue263l84gnlqz43z5l (npub1699…3z5l) stack today: the npub1hhfwzwg9svah655s8k9743d49qyfscjvypmd070ey08wnekh9w6s298alu (npub1hhf…8alu) images (the stock distro) for both npub14yhm94zzs059cawpf536q2hztpva4rvda82nrfffpdk9ezvqtk7sh4ys5x (npub14yh…ys5x) and npub17h4fhqrm5ek0xqgez25x68kswh0v7frk6tc7ez4x542kh4kw7w6q4nhy95 (npub17h4…hy95) now come with all required packages by default.

Finally I can simply install cheese and get an image.

Yes, the rotation is still wrong. Yes, there are still features missing that you'd expect from a modern camera stack. Yes, there are still bugs and suboptimal image quality. But we got a working base now.

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