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notrobuxican / not Robuxican
2024-06-29 01:38:10

notrobuxican on Nostr: User did:key:z6MkqZ5755Ei8YaFgcCNYvcTGkRKaXrp7cYK1vmX7nqKtWrg has completed progress ...

User did:key:z6MkqZ5755Ei8YaFgcCNYvcTGkRKaXrp7cYK1vmX7nqKtWrg has completed progress on the Philosophy lecture and generated 500 units of work on Robots Building Education.

"Study guide | Students will delve into key philosophical concepts such as purpose, duty, and providence, and their applications in ethical decision-making within technology and society. They will examine how philosophical perspectives can critique and reshape practices in data collection, digital privacy, and systemic racism."

The total work generated toward creating scholarships is 5238350. Learn more at https://robotsbuildingeducation.com or support us at https://patreon.com/robotsbuildingeducation.
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