What is Nostr?
Kind 9802
Author Public Key
Published at
2024-09-17 16:18:57
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "3e3b89d80b58243ce7d73c847d4cccd525761b3c50a9bcad4e73a6699474637e", "pubkey": "32e1827635450ebb3c5a7d12c1f8e7b2b514439ac10a67eef3d9fd9c5c68e245", "created_at": 1726589937, "kind": 9802, "tags": [ [ "r", "https://github.com/AdamISZ/aut-ct?tab=readme-ov-file#introduction" ] ], "content": "Goal: Be able to use a privacy-preserving proof of ownership of a public key in a set of public keys, as a kind of token with scarcity. In particular, it should be possible to create such a token from a very large anonmity sets (10s of thousands up to millions) with a verification time which is very short so that it can be used practically in real systems. In practice this code already allows such verifications in about 40-60ms on commodity hardware for up to 2.5M pubkeys (at least).", "sig": "736a346a0b7718fe0ffc6042c4798c99f6051ee172d1ad9ea5e2d607c9c1d1bb278d390f5ba5a8adb000275ef313f75a8beffd6e3764324d518363497105cb55" }