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风灵 /
2023-12-22 04:03:41

风灵 on Nostr: 《自由主义》:米塞斯反驳的24种观点 风灵 ...









1. The free market system has been in full operation, and over a long time, but has proved to be unworkable.

2. Liberalism suffers from a fixation on the desirability of increasing production and material well-being and persistently overlooks man's spiritual needs.

3. Since people don't always act perfectly rationally, might we not do better, on some issues, to put less reliance on strictly logical arguments and to trust more to our intuitions, impulses, and so-called "gut" feelings?

4. There can be no denying that capitalism is essentially a system that is structured to favor the rich and propertied people at the expense of other classes.

5. Why defend a social system that does not enable each and every individual to realize what he dreams of, or to achieve everything he works for?

6. Is the private ownership of the means of production an obsolete piece of "excess baggage" carried over from earlier periods by people who find it difficult to accept and accommodate to changed conditions?

7. By its very nature, doesn't a competitive market economy at best tend to work against international peace, and at worst, actually to promote wars?

8. What possible defense can there be for a socio-economic system that produces such great inequalities in income and consumption?

9. Pragmatism aside, can there be a morally defensible justification for private property rights?

10. In opposing government interventions, is liberalism not implicitly bound to advocate some form of anarchy in the end?

11. It is not self-evident that a stable, democratic society is any more possible under a system of decentralized planning, and decision-making than under a centrally planned economy.

12. What reason is there to expect that a capitalist Society will necessarily be any more tolerant of dissension than a socialist one?

13. Capitalism creates and preserves a preferential position for a "leisure class" of resource owners who do not work or contribute in any significant way to the society.
资本主义创造并维持了资源所有者作为“有闲阶级”(leisure class)的优越地位,这些人不工作,也没做出什么值得一提的社会贡献。

14. The reason the institution of private property has survived for so long is that it has been protected by the state; indeed, as Marx argued, the preservation of private property is the one and only function of the state.

15. The argument that socialism cannot work by itself because it lacks the means of making the required economic calculations is interesting, but are there specific, concrete illustrations of this?

16. Also interesting is the suggestion that government interventions in the operation of private enterprise necessarily lead to distortions and are therefore self-defeating, but can it be shown by specific example that this is necessarily the case?

17. Apart from arguing that alternative proposed systems can be shown to be inferior, are there any direct and positive reasons for advocating a free-enterprise system?

18. Since in order to be workable, all enterprise system requires a large number of relatively small firms in very active competition with each other, has it not been rendered largely obsolete by the development of giant corporations, monopolies, and the like?

19. Inasmuch as the managements of large Corporations tend to develop into bureaucracies, too, isn't the issue of private versus public control largely a distinction without a difference?

20. Is the coordination between domestic and foreign policies any more feasible or consistent under Liberalism than under some other system?

21. Isn't the existence and protection of rights of private ownership a hindrance rather than a help in achieving and maintaining international peace and understanding?

22. It seems obvious that nationalism, colonialism, and imperialism could have evolved only under capitalism.

23. The self-interest of private enterprises is the main impediment in the way of developing a freer movement of goods and people among the world's regions.

24. Since it represents and fosters the special interests of one class—the resource owners or capitalists—Liberalism made a serious tactical blunder in not constituting itself a political party and in not pursuing its aims through compromise and accordance with political expediency.


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