Julian Oliver on Nostr: So continues this animistic Imitation Game. Projecting ID/soul/entity onto the ...
So continues this animistic Imitation Game. Projecting ID/soul/entity onto the unliving is here bolting faces onto machines.
What the creators have really done is develop a very complex brush & painted with it. Were it a sole robot arm on a wheeled platform, the affect - the ploy - would be lost.
"The key value of my work is its capacity to serve as a catalyst for dialogue about emerging technologies.” This is an (empty) statement from the creators, not their machine.
What the creators have really done is develop a very complex brush & painted with it. Were it a sole robot arm on a wheeled platform, the affect - the ploy - would be lost.
"The key value of my work is its capacity to serve as a catalyst for dialogue about emerging technologies.” This is an (empty) statement from the creators, not their machine.