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Archbishop Angaelos / @BishopAngaelos (RSS Feed) /
2023-08-03 23:26:35

Archbishop Angaelos / @BishopAngaelos (RSS Feed) on Nostr: A wonderful day today started with a joyous #OASIS ...

A wonderful day today started with a joyous #OASIS (https://nitter.moomoo.me/search?q=%23OASIS) (Older Adults Sharing In Service) Liturgy and brunch at @SMPKLondon (https://nitter.moomoo.me/SMPKlondon), then, at the other end of the spectrum, to @CopticCentreUK (https://nitter.moomoo.me/CopticCentreUK) to spend time with a @StMarksLondon (https://nitter.moomoo.me/StMarksLondon) mother and toddler group enjoying a retreat day there.

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