Peter R [ARCHIVE] on Nostr: š Original date posted:2017-05-15 š Original message:Hi Pieter, I wanted to say ...
Original date posted:2017-05-15
š Original message:Hi Pieter,
I wanted to say that I thought this write-up was excellent! And efficiently hashing the UTXO set in this rolling fashion is a very exciting idea!!
Peter R
> On May 15, 2017, at 1:01 PM, Pieter Wuille via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to discuss a way of computing a UTXO set hash that is
> very efficient to update, but does not support any compact proofs of
> existence or non-existence.
> Much has been written on the topic of various data structures and
> derived hashes for the UTXO/TXO set before (including Alan Reiner's
> trust-free lite nodes [1], Peter Todd's TXO MMR commitments [2] [3],
> or Bram Cohen's TXO bitfield [4]). They all provide interesting extra
> functionality or tradeoffs, but require invasive changes to the P2P
> protocol or how wallets work, or force nodes to maintain their
> database in a normative fashion. Instead, here I focus on an efficient
> hash that supports nothing but comparing two UTXO sets. However, it is
> not incompatible with any of those other approaches, so we can gain
> some of the advantages of a UTXO hash without adopting something that
> may be incompatible with future protocol enhancements.
> 1. Incremental hashing
> Computing a hash of the UTXO set is easy when it does not need
> efficient updates, and when we can assume a fixed serialization with a
> normative ordering for the data in it - just serialize the whole thing
> and hash it. As different software or releases may use different
> database models for the UTXO set, a solution that is order-independent
> would seem preferable.
> This brings us to the problem of computing a hash of unordered data.
> Several approaches that accomplish this through incremental hashing
> were suggested in [5], including XHASH, AdHash, and MuHash. XHASH
> consists of first hashing all the set elements independently, and
> XORing all those hashes together. This is insecure, as Gaussian
> elimination can easily find a subset of random hashes that XOR to a
> given value. AdHash/MuHash are similar, except addition/multiplication
> modulo a large prime are used instead of XOR. Wagner [6] showed that
> attacking XHASH or AdHash is an instance of a generalized birthday
> problem (called the k-sum problem in his paper, with unrestricted k),
> and gives a O(2^(2*sqrt(n)-1)) algorithm to attack it (for n-bit
> hashes). As a result, AdHash with 256-bit hashes only has 31 bits of
> security.
> Thankfully, [6] also shows that the k-sum problem cannot be
> efficiently solved in groups in which the discrete logarithm problem
> is hard, as an efficient k-sum solver can be used to compute discrete
> logarithms. As a result, MuHash modulo a sufficiently large safe prime
> is provably secure under the DL assumption. Common guidelines on
> security parameters [7] say that 3072-bit DL has about 128 bits of
> security. A final 256-bit hash can be applied to the 3072-bit result
> without loss of security to reduce the final size.
> An alternative to multiplication modulo a prime is using an elliptic
> curve group. Due to the ECDLP assumption, which the security of
> Bitcoin signatures already relies on, this also results in security
> against k-sum solving. This approach is used in the Elliptic Curve
> Multiset Hash (ECMH) in [8]. For this to work, we must "hash onto a
> curve point" in a way that results in points without known discrete
> logarithm. The paper suggests using (controversial) binary elliptic
> curves to make that operation efficient. If we only consider
> secp256k1, one approach is just reading potential X coordinates from a
> PRNG until one is found that has a corresponding Y coordinate
> according to the curve equation. On average, 2 iterations are needed.
> A constant time algorithm to hash onto the curve exists as well [9],
> but it is only slightly faster and is much more complicated to
> implement.
> AdHash-like constructions with a sufficiently large intermediate hash
> can be made secure against Wagner's algorithm, as suggested in [10].
> 4160-bit hashes would be needed for 128 bits of security. When
> repetition is allowed, [8] gives a stronger attack against AdHash,
> suggesting that as much as 400000 bits are needed. While repetition is
> not directly an issue for our use case, it would be nice if
> verification software would not be required to check for duplicated
> entries.
> 2. Efficient addition and deletion
> Interestingly, both ECMH and MuHash not only support adding set
> elements in any order but also deleting in any order. As a result, we
> can simply maintain a running sum for the UTXO set as a whole, and
> add/subtract when creating/spending an output in it. In the case of
> MuHash it is slightly more complicated, as computing an inverse is
> relatively expensive. This can be solved by representing the running
> value as a fraction, and multiplying created elements into the
> numerator and spent elements into the denominator. Only when the final
> hash is desired, a single modular inverse and multiplication is needed
> to combine the two.
> As the update operations are also associative, H(a)+H(b)+H(c)+H(d) can
> in fact be computed as (H(a)+H(b)) + (H(c)+H(d)). This implies that
> all of this is perfectly parallellizable: each thread can process an
> arbitrary subset of the update operations, allowing them to be
> efficiently combined later.
> 3. Comparison of approaches
> Numbers below are based on preliminary benchmarks on a single thread
> of a i7-6820HQ CPU running at 3.4GHz.
> (1) (MuHash) Multiplying 3072-bit hashes mod 2^3072 - 1103717 (the
> largest 3072-bit safe prime).
> * Needs a fast modular multiplication/inverse implementation.
> * Using SHA512 + ChaCha20 for generating the hashes takes 1.2us per element.
> * Modular multiplication using GMP takes 1.5us per element (2.5us
> with a 60-line C+asm implementation).
> * 768 bytes for maintaining a running sum (384 for numerator, 384
> for denominator)
> * Very common security assumption. Even if the DL assumption would
> be broken (but no k-sum algorithm faster than Wagner's is found), this
> still maintains 110 bits of security.
> (2) (ECMH) Adding secp256k1 EC points
> * Much more complicated than the previous approaches when
> implementing from scratch, but almost no extra complexity when ECDSA
> secp256k1 signature validation is already implemented.
> * Using SHA512 + libsecp256k1's point decompression for generating
> the points takes 11us per element on average.
> * Addition/subtracting of N points takes 5.25us + 0.25us*N.
> * 64 bytes for a running sum.
> * Identical security assumption as Bitcoin's signatures.
> Using the numbers above, we find that:
> * Computing the hash from just the UTXO set takes (1) 2m15s (2) 9m20s
> * Processing all creations and spends in an average block takes (1)
> 24ms (2) 100ms
> * Processing precomputed per-transaction aggregates in an average
> block takes (1) 3ms (2) 0.5ms
> Note that while (2) has higher CPU usage than (1) in general, it has
> lower latency when using precomputed per-transaction aggregates. Using
> such aggregates is also more feasible as they're only 64 bytes rather
> than 768. Because of simplicity, (1) has my preference.
> Overall, these numbers are sufficiently low (note that they can be
> parallellized) that it would be reasonable for full nodes and/or other
> software to always maintain one of them, and effectively have a
> rolling cryptographical checksum of the UTXO set at all times.
> 4. Use cases
> * Replacement for Bitcoin Core's gettxoutsetinfo RPC's hash
> computation. This currently requires minutes of I/O and CPU, as it
> serializes and hashes the entire UTXO set. A rolling set hash would
> make this instant, making the whole RPC much more usable for sanity
> checking.
> * Assisting in implementation of fast sync methods with known good
> blocks/UTXO sets.
> * Database consistency checking: by remembering the UTXO set hash of
> the past few blocks (computed on the fly), a consistency check can be
> done that recomputes it based on the database.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
> [9]
> [10]
> Cheers,
> --
> Pieter
> _______________________________________________
> bitcoin-dev mailing list
> bitcoin-dev at
š Original message:Hi Pieter,
I wanted to say that I thought this write-up was excellent! And efficiently hashing the UTXO set in this rolling fashion is a very exciting idea!!
Peter R
> On May 15, 2017, at 1:01 PM, Pieter Wuille via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to discuss a way of computing a UTXO set hash that is
> very efficient to update, but does not support any compact proofs of
> existence or non-existence.
> Much has been written on the topic of various data structures and
> derived hashes for the UTXO/TXO set before (including Alan Reiner's
> trust-free lite nodes [1], Peter Todd's TXO MMR commitments [2] [3],
> or Bram Cohen's TXO bitfield [4]). They all provide interesting extra
> functionality or tradeoffs, but require invasive changes to the P2P
> protocol or how wallets work, or force nodes to maintain their
> database in a normative fashion. Instead, here I focus on an efficient
> hash that supports nothing but comparing two UTXO sets. However, it is
> not incompatible with any of those other approaches, so we can gain
> some of the advantages of a UTXO hash without adopting something that
> may be incompatible with future protocol enhancements.
> 1. Incremental hashing
> Computing a hash of the UTXO set is easy when it does not need
> efficient updates, and when we can assume a fixed serialization with a
> normative ordering for the data in it - just serialize the whole thing
> and hash it. As different software or releases may use different
> database models for the UTXO set, a solution that is order-independent
> would seem preferable.
> This brings us to the problem of computing a hash of unordered data.
> Several approaches that accomplish this through incremental hashing
> were suggested in [5], including XHASH, AdHash, and MuHash. XHASH
> consists of first hashing all the set elements independently, and
> XORing all those hashes together. This is insecure, as Gaussian
> elimination can easily find a subset of random hashes that XOR to a
> given value. AdHash/MuHash are similar, except addition/multiplication
> modulo a large prime are used instead of XOR. Wagner [6] showed that
> attacking XHASH or AdHash is an instance of a generalized birthday
> problem (called the k-sum problem in his paper, with unrestricted k),
> and gives a O(2^(2*sqrt(n)-1)) algorithm to attack it (for n-bit
> hashes). As a result, AdHash with 256-bit hashes only has 31 bits of
> security.
> Thankfully, [6] also shows that the k-sum problem cannot be
> efficiently solved in groups in which the discrete logarithm problem
> is hard, as an efficient k-sum solver can be used to compute discrete
> logarithms. As a result, MuHash modulo a sufficiently large safe prime
> is provably secure under the DL assumption. Common guidelines on
> security parameters [7] say that 3072-bit DL has about 128 bits of
> security. A final 256-bit hash can be applied to the 3072-bit result
> without loss of security to reduce the final size.
> An alternative to multiplication modulo a prime is using an elliptic
> curve group. Due to the ECDLP assumption, which the security of
> Bitcoin signatures already relies on, this also results in security
> against k-sum solving. This approach is used in the Elliptic Curve
> Multiset Hash (ECMH) in [8]. For this to work, we must "hash onto a
> curve point" in a way that results in points without known discrete
> logarithm. The paper suggests using (controversial) binary elliptic
> curves to make that operation efficient. If we only consider
> secp256k1, one approach is just reading potential X coordinates from a
> PRNG until one is found that has a corresponding Y coordinate
> according to the curve equation. On average, 2 iterations are needed.
> A constant time algorithm to hash onto the curve exists as well [9],
> but it is only slightly faster and is much more complicated to
> implement.
> AdHash-like constructions with a sufficiently large intermediate hash
> can be made secure against Wagner's algorithm, as suggested in [10].
> 4160-bit hashes would be needed for 128 bits of security. When
> repetition is allowed, [8] gives a stronger attack against AdHash,
> suggesting that as much as 400000 bits are needed. While repetition is
> not directly an issue for our use case, it would be nice if
> verification software would not be required to check for duplicated
> entries.
> 2. Efficient addition and deletion
> Interestingly, both ECMH and MuHash not only support adding set
> elements in any order but also deleting in any order. As a result, we
> can simply maintain a running sum for the UTXO set as a whole, and
> add/subtract when creating/spending an output in it. In the case of
> MuHash it is slightly more complicated, as computing an inverse is
> relatively expensive. This can be solved by representing the running
> value as a fraction, and multiplying created elements into the
> numerator and spent elements into the denominator. Only when the final
> hash is desired, a single modular inverse and multiplication is needed
> to combine the two.
> As the update operations are also associative, H(a)+H(b)+H(c)+H(d) can
> in fact be computed as (H(a)+H(b)) + (H(c)+H(d)). This implies that
> all of this is perfectly parallellizable: each thread can process an
> arbitrary subset of the update operations, allowing them to be
> efficiently combined later.
> 3. Comparison of approaches
> Numbers below are based on preliminary benchmarks on a single thread
> of a i7-6820HQ CPU running at 3.4GHz.
> (1) (MuHash) Multiplying 3072-bit hashes mod 2^3072 - 1103717 (the
> largest 3072-bit safe prime).
> * Needs a fast modular multiplication/inverse implementation.
> * Using SHA512 + ChaCha20 for generating the hashes takes 1.2us per element.
> * Modular multiplication using GMP takes 1.5us per element (2.5us
> with a 60-line C+asm implementation).
> * 768 bytes for maintaining a running sum (384 for numerator, 384
> for denominator)
> * Very common security assumption. Even if the DL assumption would
> be broken (but no k-sum algorithm faster than Wagner's is found), this
> still maintains 110 bits of security.
> (2) (ECMH) Adding secp256k1 EC points
> * Much more complicated than the previous approaches when
> implementing from scratch, but almost no extra complexity when ECDSA
> secp256k1 signature validation is already implemented.
> * Using SHA512 + libsecp256k1's point decompression for generating
> the points takes 11us per element on average.
> * Addition/subtracting of N points takes 5.25us + 0.25us*N.
> * 64 bytes for a running sum.
> * Identical security assumption as Bitcoin's signatures.
> Using the numbers above, we find that:
> * Computing the hash from just the UTXO set takes (1) 2m15s (2) 9m20s
> * Processing all creations and spends in an average block takes (1)
> 24ms (2) 100ms
> * Processing precomputed per-transaction aggregates in an average
> block takes (1) 3ms (2) 0.5ms
> Note that while (2) has higher CPU usage than (1) in general, it has
> lower latency when using precomputed per-transaction aggregates. Using
> such aggregates is also more feasible as they're only 64 bytes rather
> than 768. Because of simplicity, (1) has my preference.
> Overall, these numbers are sufficiently low (note that they can be
> parallellized) that it would be reasonable for full nodes and/or other
> software to always maintain one of them, and effectively have a
> rolling cryptographical checksum of the UTXO set at all times.
> 4. Use cases
> * Replacement for Bitcoin Core's gettxoutsetinfo RPC's hash
> computation. This currently requires minutes of I/O and CPU, as it
> serializes and hashes the entire UTXO set. A rolling set hash would
> make this instant, making the whole RPC much more usable for sanity
> checking.
> * Assisting in implementation of fast sync methods with known good
> blocks/UTXO sets.
> * Database consistency checking: by remembering the UTXO set hash of
> the past few blocks (computed on the fly), a consistency check can be
> done that recomputes it based on the database.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
> [9]
> [10]
> Cheers,
> --
> Pieter
> _______________________________________________
> bitcoin-dev mailing list
> bitcoin-dev at