Wonderdog on Nostr: #KeepsakeStories Tiny Trinket, Gigantic Memory This cream and orange marble has ...
#KeepsakeStories Tiny Trinket, Gigantic Memory
This cream and orange marble has somehow managed to stay with me through every move, safe in my jewellery box. I found it with my school friend, Pauline D, in 3rd grade at Dubbo, one Saturday adventure, which means it must have been about 1976. An old, brick house near the shops had been demolished, and since no one told us we couldn’t, and we were keen on archaeology that year, we were pretending to excavate the site.
This cream and orange marble has somehow managed to stay with me through every move, safe in my jewellery box. I found it with my school friend, Pauline D, in 3rd grade at Dubbo, one Saturday adventure, which means it must have been about 1976. An old, brick house near the shops had been demolished, and since no one told us we couldn’t, and we were keen on archaeology that year, we were pretending to excavate the site.