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ZeroHedge News (RSS Feed) on Nostr: Here's Why The World's Comfort Class Is So Far Removed From Reality... Here's Why The ...

Here's Why The World's Comfort Class Is So Far Removed From Reality...

Here's Why The World's Comfort Class Is So Far Removed From Reality...


Let’s begin with how society functions.

Today, we are in this unfortunate situation where the ostensible pillars of production are distinct from the actual pillars of production.

Let me explain…

The actual pillars of society (at least in terms of production) are agriculture, mining, fabrication, and transportation. All of these industries have benefited massively from technological advancements. Agriculture, for example, now uses harvesters as opposed to, say, oxen.

As a result, the actual number of people employed in agriculture continues to… you guessed it, fall. That’s a good thing! It frees up time for folks to do other things — build isht that doesn’t yet exist (this is how humans have advanced) or paint pretty pictures, play music, or write novels. The entire arts owes its existence to reducing the amount of time needed to actually provide for life functions. Stay with me because this part is important. The number of folks employed in “the arts” has therefore exploded upwards.

People tend to like these jobs, too. They’re more comfortable and less taxing on the body and increasingly less taxing on the mind as well. It is how we have such soft-brained individuals littering society today. The fact is, today we are drowning in comfort. Society is saturated with it. This is how universities have liberal arts degrees and gender studies, as if there’s more to know than that there are 2. There isn’t. That’s it.

Additionally, each group of people act like gangs. Consider the schoolyard. The kids who play football think they’re better than the kids who play chess (nerds). Well, today the kids drowning in comfort are finding that their “value” they bring to the table isn’t quite so high — hence they advocate for mandating and forcing society to value them. This is how we were told to “accept” all the “underprivileged,” except this term has been hijacked. You see, the thing is these people were always accepted. They just weren’t praised for these attributes. Today, we have to exalt them to media star status for their inadequacies. Today, you can be a victim for any number of reasons. Fat? No problem, you’re a victim. Ugly? You’re a victim. Stupid? Victim. Can’t do math? It’s the patriarchy or white supremacy and racism. You’re a victim. As daft as this is, we’ve moved beyond it. Take that disgusting obese lesbian (no sane man would touch her, so…) who we’re told we must applaud. When we don’t, we’re labelled any number of stupid things. Sexist, fat shamer lesbian hater, etc.

Here’s the kicker. These people vote. Their vote is equal to everyone else’s. Frighteningly, the pink-haired angry lesbian with a liberal arts major who now heads up the “Diversity and Equity” department at Lululemon has the same weight in vote as does a farmer. One produces for the world while the other detracts value. What’s worth understanding, too, is that with the advancement of technology, which builds on previous underlying fundamentals such as electricity, for example, there are more and more folks who fall into the “comfort saturation” bucket than fall into the “produce isht we need” bucket. Technology, remember. Combine harvesters don’t vote.

What’s more is that the “comfort class” have an inability to understand the connection between their liberal world and that of the reality world. Case in point. They are champions of electricity. In fact, they see it as part of the cosmic firmament. It’s just there, like the air you breathe, and therefore should be a right. At the same time, they are ready and willing to deface beautiful artwork, glue themselves to bridges, and become general nuisances to society in an effort to end the use of coal and natural gas. Their inability to understand the connection between what they see as a right (electricity) and what they see as evil (coal and natural gas) is complete. 100% complete.

Because these people are useless and an actual menace to society, they’re not wanted. Pray tell, who wants this?

It is why they have to resort to violence to demand society like, accept, and “value” them. Communists are always the same. They’re the parasite class in their early phase, but like any cycle before us (Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Stalin’s Bolsheviks), they resort to tyranny. Always and every time.

You can easily spot tyranny because it always comes in the name of compassion and equality of outcomes. It is a road paved with cowards, conmen, corrupt bureaucrats, high taxes, debauchery, mass menticide, and the moral depravity of distracted and diseased materialists conned by chosen ones who monopolise control of information, media, spy agencies, war machines, and money. We’ve moved past the phase where we can vote our way out of the destruction. No, the deep state is a real thing. We still have politicians and politics, but it’s a facade. Today, politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.

Take a look around you and tell me that this time is different.

They demand you like them and accept them, and they will cancel, and when the time comes, murder those who disagree with them. The EU commission threatened Elon Musk with broadcasting an interview with Trump (election interference by a foreign entity?). The now daily reports of folks being thrown into prison for sharing evidence of rioting in English towns and cities. At the last count, over 400 people have received prison sentences for disagreeing with the government… online. They’ve not thrown any rocks, not punched anyone, not rioted — just voiced their discontent online. This, folks, is the rapid march towards genocide. I know, it may sound absurd, but that is the story of history. Don’t believe me, just go read up a bit.

We can watch this from a psychological point of view as well as financial. The two go hand in hand.

The UK currently has a tax burden of 33% of GDP and rising fast — that is while a mass invasion continues (yes, it’s an invasion, and if you need more information, go and read about the Kalergi plan and then reconcile it with what’s taken place). This is important because a good majority of these folks are coming for the free benefits which increase the burden, all the while the UK is raising taxes.

You know why the UK is one of the countries with the highest level of rich people leaving? Because rich people look at this stuff, see the writing on the wall, and get out before they have their assets stolen from them by a collapsing economy, communist power grabs, and capital controls… which are all coming. Watch!

Oh, and one other thing I’ll mention…

Historically, revolutions take place when the income tax burden surpasses 30% of GDP. The UK budget office is projecting it will hit 37% of GDP by 2027.

The first step towards solving any problem lies in acknowledging its existence.

Rampant Censorship

Tech can continue to be a liberator. The events unfolding in Britain now should usher in a newfound awareness of the risks to tying any account with your details.

The communist Guardian published this:

Aimed at teaching critical thinking? God, these people lie through their teeth. This is EXACTLY the opposite of what they are teaching:

That’s why our curriculum review will develop plans to embed critical skills in lessons to arm our children against the disinformation, fake news and putrid conspiracy theories awash on social media. Our renewed curriculum will always put high and rising standards in core subjects – that’s non-negotiable.

It is worth knowing our history. In the Bolshevik revolution and the former USSR, children were taught to rat on their parents and their own family. Divide and conquer has been the strategy employed in every communist fascist movement since the dawn of time.

Remember last week when we spoke about the Bolsheviks in Britain? Europe under the EU is doing their part to usher in the great reset — a technocratic world with one world government and humanity enslaved.

Over in Frogland, they just passed a law that allows the government to open the camera and microphone of any phone remotely and without any legal process. Politicians are exempt, of course.

French Assembly passes bill allowing police to remotely activate phone cameras and microphones for surveillance

Lavrentiy Beria was the notorious chief of the Soviet secret police under Joseph Stalin. This phrase encapsulates the idea that authorities can fabricate or manipulate evidence to incriminate anyone they choose, regardless of actual guilt. Beria’s approach was to identify a target first and then find or create a crime to justify their persecution, reflecting a profound abuse of power within totalitarian regimes.

Rules for thee, but not for me. Take it you peasants and shut up!

The Bolsheviks at the European Union sent a letter to Elon Musk, demanding he censor their Donald Trump interview. They threatened Musk with legal consequences if he does not prevent the spread of what they label as “disinformation.”

Remember when these same clowns were blaming Putin for “interfering in US elections?” Oh, the irony.

Meanwhile the chief Bolshevik here, the EU commissioner Thierry, who is actually Senegalese (yup, he’s African, no, really), you see, this turd, who lectures all the European peasants and earns his income from them at the point of a gun only pays a 5% income tax thanks to a cosy dual national relationship with the French Ministry of Economy.

The conditions are now being set for a https://internationalman.com/special-report/clash-of-the-systems-thoughts-on-investing-at-a-unique-point-in-time/
. First, they’ll conjure up all manner of misdeeds (riots, for example) and then build the narrative that it was social media posts that fomented this violence. The police will therefore need “extra powers” to deal with this. They’ll couch it in terms that are entirely warm and cosy with safety thrown around a lot.

Europe (and with that I would include Britain as well) is — and I believe this to be a technical term — F.U.K.T.

*  *  *

The Western system is undergoing substantial changes, and the signs of moral decay, corruption, and increasing debt are impossible to ignore. With the Great Reset in motion, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, IMF, WHO, World Bank, and Davos man are all promoting a unified agenda that will affect us all. To get ahead of the chaos, download our free PDF report “Clash of the Systems: Thoughts on Investing at a Unique Point in Time” by https://internationalman.com/special-report/clash-of-the-systems-thoughts-on-investing-at-a-unique-point-in-time/


Sun, 09/15/2024 - 21:00

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