What is Nostr?
Kind 6969
Author Public Key
Published at
2023-09-11 14:46:13
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "356dfb11d01326274f83328fa88a77cfa90b0ea6cc10e1cc449773f9afbf1bef", "pubkey": "d0debf9fb12def81f43d7c69429bb784812ac1e4d2d53a202db6aac7ea4b466c", "created_at": 1694443573, "kind": 6969, "tags": [ [ "poll_option", "0", "1 - RIP 🪦 gEt tHose teRorisTs" ], [ "poll_option", "1", "0 - I want to bring my water bottle inside the plane. Me and my kids are not al qaeda suicide bombers" ], [ "value_maximum", "null" ], [ "value_minimum", "null" ], [ "consensus_threshold", "null" ], [ "closed_at", "null" ] ], "content": "After 22 years, how many fucks do you give about 9/11 ?\n", "sig": "27cc6256ee1e5b4e1bf7ed6d9d0c7cb8d7f0afbed439ed470bc22cecb17e8f3e678d5cf8b2b7431979ee112b2c55a0929461882eee4520c7db8ced58cc2719e6" }