What is Nostr?
Ape Mithrandir
2024-08-31 14:26:06

Ape Mithrandir on Nostr: ```python import yfinance import pandas as pd import numpy as np import datetime as ...

import yfinance
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import pytz
import argparse
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

def get_returns(sInformation, T):
# Calculate the reference date
years = int(T) # Get the whole number of years
months = int((T - years) * 12) # Convert the fractional part to months
ref_dt = dt.datetime.now(pytz.timezone('America/New_York')) - relativedelta(years=years, months=months)
hist = sInformation.history(period='10y')
hist = hist[hist.index >= ref_dt]
f = hist.Close.tolist()[0]
m = hist.Close.mean()
l = hist.Close.tolist()[-1]
tot_lr = np.log(l/f) * 100.0
avg_lr = np.log(l/f)/T * 100.0
tot_ret = (l/f - 1) * 100.0
avg_ret = ((l/f) ** (1.0/T) - 1) * 100.0
# Using T / 2 to represent the average holding time of the avg price
tot_lr_m = np.log(l/m) * 100.0
avg_lr_m = np.log(l/m)/(T/2.0) * 100.0
tot_ret_m = (l/m - 1) * 100.0
avg_ret_m = ((l/m) ** (2.0/T) - 1) * 100.0
return f, m, l, tot_lr, avg_lr, tot_ret, avg_ret, tot_lr_m, avg_lr_m, tot_ret_m, avg_ret_m

def format_number(value):
if value == 0:
return "0" # Handle zero case
elif abs(value) < 1:
return f"{value:.3f}" # 3 decimal places for small values
elif abs(value) < 100:
return f"{value:.2f}" # 2 decimal places for medium values
elif abs(value) < 1000:
return f"{value:.1f}" # 1 decimal place for larger values
return f"{value:,.0f}" # No decimal places for very large values

def print_stats(s, T, f, m, l, tot_lr, avg_lr, tot_ret, avg_ret, tot_lr_m, avg_lr_m, tot_ret_m, avg_ret_m):
print(f"{s} Price Stats:")
print(f"{T} years ago Price: {format_number(f)}")
print(f"{T} years avg Price: {format_number(m)}")
print(f"Current price: {format_number(l)}\n")
print(f"{s} Returns vs the {T} years old Price:")
print(f"Total {T} years log-returns: {format_number(tot_lr)}%")
print(f"Avg {T} years ann. log-returns: {format_number(avg_lr)}%")
print(f"Total {T} years simple-returns: {format_number(tot_ret)}%")
print(f"Avg {T} years ann. simple-returns: {format_number(avg_ret)}%\n")
print(f"{s} Returns vs the {T} years avg Price:")
print(f"Total {T} years log-returns: {format_number(tot_lr_m)}%")
print(f"Avg {T} years ann. log-returns: {format_number(avg_lr_m)}%")
print(f"Total {T} years simple-returns: {format_number(tot_ret_m)}%")
print(f"Avg {T} years ann. simple-returns: {format_number(avg_ret_m)}%\n")

def main():
#Create the parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')

# Add arguments
parser.add_argument('--s1', type=str, required=True, help='First Yahoo Finance Instrument')
parser.add_argument('--s2', type=str, help='Second Yahoo Finance Instrument')
parser.add_argument('--T', type=float, required=True, help='Time period in years')

# Parse the arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
except SystemExit as e:
print("Error: Missing required arguments.")

s1Information = yfinance.Ticker(args.s1)
f1, m1, l1, tot_lr1, avg_lr1, tot_ret1, avg_ret1, tot_lr_m1, avg_lr_m1, tot_ret_m1, avg_ret_m1 = get_returns(s1Information, args.T)
print_stats(args.s1, args.T, f1, m1, l1, tot_lr1, avg_lr1, tot_ret1, avg_ret1, tot_lr_m1, avg_lr_m1, tot_ret_m1, avg_ret_m1)
if args.s2 is not None:
s2Information = yfinance.Ticker(args.s2)
f2, m2, l2, tot_lr2, avg_lr2, tot_ret2, avg_ret2, tot_lr_m2, avg_lr_m2, tot_ret_m2, avg_ret_m2 = get_returns(s2Information, args.T)
print_stats(args.s2, args.T, f2, m2, l2, tot_lr2, avg_lr2, tot_ret2, avg_ret2, tot_lr_m2, avg_lr_m2, tot_ret_m2, avg_ret_m2)

if __name__ == '__main__':
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