KisSean on Nostr: 终于重看了Everything Everywhere all at once, ...
终于重看了Everything Everywhere all at once, 还是忍不住从中场开始就一直哭。不过和去年第一次看的时候没法比,当时看的时候基本由头到位一边哭一边笑的情绪过山车,看完后觉得“这才是电影,这几年的工业流水线怎么好意思上电影院”,看完几天后还很上头。
我总结了一下为什么会这样,其实这电影主要的核心就是”多元文化+信息爆炸下产生的一种这个时代特有的虚无感,和要怎么应对“,文字无法表达电影里面那种一直激增刺激你的感官的感觉,twitter一个评论说的很好,这种就是“more is more”的牛逼之处。 因为我再次看已经有对情节和笑点/尬点的预期了,所以基本上无法像第一次看的时候那样,跟随着主角跌入一个越来越多信息,越来越多感情,越来越多艰难的抉择的漩涡。每次增加的信息和感受,都能把那种现实生活中已经感受到的文化和生活带来的虚无无力感进一步共鸣。基本每过一阵就会让人觉得 “Everything Everywhere all at once” 这个标题太贴切了,信息/感情高度过载。
不过我也能理解为啥中文圈很多人,觉得这个电影太闹腾,无聊。这些似乎是需要社会发展到一定程度才需要面对的问题;假如在 讨回欠薪 或 关注一下底层人民生活 这些行为都很有风险的社会的话,已经严重威胁马斯洛需求的底层,不关心那么虚的事情也很正常。至于只看到了 同性恋 和 母女关系这些问题的话,只能说连角色台词都不愿意理解。但我也认为这个电影,对有一丁点同情心中产阶级 或 年轻人来说不难共情,因为网络的信息流通性,这类虚无主义还是相当广泛存在的。特别是在文化撕裂交融中长大的gen Z,不少在twitter和tiktok中比我哭得还死去活来。
回归电影本身,关于它我能几个小时都说不完,我当时看完的第一感觉是 导演和编剧像一个完美很多倍的自己,一些想法我之前还有些怀疑和顾虑,但他们已经用相当诙谐有趣又博爱的方式表现出来了。说一些我相当喜欢的点:
-粤语/普通话/英文 混搭,虽然设置其他文化的故事背景我也能很快融入,不过电影的这种搭配已经是我的经验和人格的重要组成部分了
-音乐完美,已经是叙事的一部分了。会作为故事的一部分和环境/角色产生的声音互动。而且还是Son Lux作曲 + 德彪西的月光,我第一次看的时候就觉得完全吻合我的电波。
-演员演得好,其实我也不知道怎样才算好。不过全程不会像很多电影一样,某些角色一出现就让我出戏。特别是女二Sephanie Hsu,明明作为重要角色竟然没拿奥斯卡。让戏份不是那么重的Jmie Lee Curtess拿了supporting actress。杨紫琼就更不用说了,关于演员本身的meta和片里的内容也完美贴合,我庆幸我在这个不是成龙当主演的平行世界。
去年看完的时候就觉得笑点这么接地气的电影估计很难拿什么奖了,谁知道一直从金球奖,到现在成为奥斯卡获奖最多的电影,就算有政治正确的原因我也觉得很值。这个电影让我感觉 电影艺术还在的同时,还让我意识到了传统的好莱坞大片已经越来越难捕获核心观众的,观众追求的内容和感受会变得更多样化。
Finally re-watched "Everything Everywhere all at once" and still couldn't resist crying from the middle to the end. However, it was not comparable to the first time I watched it last year, where I went on an emotional roller coaster, crying and laughing from start to finish. After finishing the film, I thought, "This is what a movie should be like, how can those industrually produced generic films of recent years have the audacity to show in theaters?" I was even still obsessed with it for several days after.
I summed up why I felt this way. In fact, the main core of the movie is the "nihilism unique to this era that arises from multiculturalism and informational explosion, and how to cope with it." Words cannot express the sensory stimulation that continuously increases throughout the film. A comment on Twitter expressed it well, "more is more," that's what's awesome about it. Because I had expectations for the plot and jokes/awkward moments this time, I couldn't follow the protagonist into a vortex of increasing information, emotions, and difficult choices like I did the first time. Every increase in information and feeling can resonate with the sense of powerlessness and emptiness, that multi-cultural and experiences brought to us in reality. Basically, I have this constant feeling that the title "Everything Everywhere all at once" was so appropriate, and the overload of information and emotions was overwhelming.
However, I can also understand why many people in the Chinese-speaking community find the movie too noisy and boring. These problems seem to be faced only when a society has developed to a certain extent. In a society where behaviors like "reclaiming unpaid wages" or "caring about the lives of people at the bottom" are risky, and the lower class whose Maslow's needs are severely threatened, it is normal not to care about such intangible things. As for those who only see issues such as homosexuality and mother-daughter relationships, it can only be said that they are unwilling to understand even the characters' dialogue. But I also think that this movie is not difficult to empathize with for the middle class or young people who have try to understand the other's pain. Because the nihilism caused by the explosion of the different lifestyle/happiness on the internet is real. Especially for Gen Z, who grew up in a cultural conflict and emergency, many cried worse than me on Twitter and TikTok.
Regarding the film itself, I could talk about it for hours. My first impression after watching it was that the director and screenwriter were like a much more perfect version of myself. Some of the ideas that I had doubts and concerns about were expressed in a very humorous, interesting, and inclusive way. Some of the points that I liked include:
-The mixture of Cantonese/Mandarin/English, although I can quickly immerse myself in stories set in other cultural backgrounds, this combination of languages has become an important part of my experience and personality.
-The music is perfect and is already a part of the storytelling. It interacts with the sound produced by the environment/characters and becomes a part of the story. Moreover, it was composed by Son Lux. Plus there's "Clair de Lune" by Debussy, which I felt completely aligned with my music taste when I watched it for the first time.
-The actors performed well. Well I don't know what counts as good acting. However, throughout the movie, no character made me feel like it was out of place like in many other movies. In particular, Stephanie Hsu, who played the second female lead, was an essential character but did not win an Oscar, while Jamie Lee Curtis, who had less screen time, won the supporting actress award. And Michelle Yeoh, she's bassically a living meta to her character.I'm glad I live in a parallel universe where Jackie Chan wasn't the lead actor.
-The camera work and editing were perfect for a small team of six people, as many have already noted. The film used minimal CGI and relied heavily on camera work and editing, surpassing many Marvel movies in terms of visual appeal.
When I finished watching the film last year, I thought it would be challenging for a movie with such down-to-earth humor to win any awards. But it has gone from the Golden Globes to becoming the most awarded movie at the Oscars. Even if there were political correctness at play, I believe it was still deserving. This film made me feel that film art is still alive, while also making me aware that traditional Hollywood blockbusters are finding it increasingly difficult to capture their core audience, as viewers' tastes and preferences become more diverse.
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #EEAAO #Movie #Art #CulturalConflict #Nihilism #Happy
我总结了一下为什么会这样,其实这电影主要的核心就是”多元文化+信息爆炸下产生的一种这个时代特有的虚无感,和要怎么应对“,文字无法表达电影里面那种一直激增刺激你的感官的感觉,twitter一个评论说的很好,这种就是“more is more”的牛逼之处。 因为我再次看已经有对情节和笑点/尬点的预期了,所以基本上无法像第一次看的时候那样,跟随着主角跌入一个越来越多信息,越来越多感情,越来越多艰难的抉择的漩涡。每次增加的信息和感受,都能把那种现实生活中已经感受到的文化和生活带来的虚无无力感进一步共鸣。基本每过一阵就会让人觉得 “Everything Everywhere all at once” 这个标题太贴切了,信息/感情高度过载。
不过我也能理解为啥中文圈很多人,觉得这个电影太闹腾,无聊。这些似乎是需要社会发展到一定程度才需要面对的问题;假如在 讨回欠薪 或 关注一下底层人民生活 这些行为都很有风险的社会的话,已经严重威胁马斯洛需求的底层,不关心那么虚的事情也很正常。至于只看到了 同性恋 和 母女关系这些问题的话,只能说连角色台词都不愿意理解。但我也认为这个电影,对有一丁点同情心中产阶级 或 年轻人来说不难共情,因为网络的信息流通性,这类虚无主义还是相当广泛存在的。特别是在文化撕裂交融中长大的gen Z,不少在twitter和tiktok中比我哭得还死去活来。
回归电影本身,关于它我能几个小时都说不完,我当时看完的第一感觉是 导演和编剧像一个完美很多倍的自己,一些想法我之前还有些怀疑和顾虑,但他们已经用相当诙谐有趣又博爱的方式表现出来了。说一些我相当喜欢的点:
-粤语/普通话/英文 混搭,虽然设置其他文化的故事背景我也能很快融入,不过电影的这种搭配已经是我的经验和人格的重要组成部分了
-音乐完美,已经是叙事的一部分了。会作为故事的一部分和环境/角色产生的声音互动。而且还是Son Lux作曲 + 德彪西的月光,我第一次看的时候就觉得完全吻合我的电波。
-演员演得好,其实我也不知道怎样才算好。不过全程不会像很多电影一样,某些角色一出现就让我出戏。特别是女二Sephanie Hsu,明明作为重要角色竟然没拿奥斯卡。让戏份不是那么重的Jmie Lee Curtess拿了supporting actress。杨紫琼就更不用说了,关于演员本身的meta和片里的内容也完美贴合,我庆幸我在这个不是成龙当主演的平行世界。
去年看完的时候就觉得笑点这么接地气的电影估计很难拿什么奖了,谁知道一直从金球奖,到现在成为奥斯卡获奖最多的电影,就算有政治正确的原因我也觉得很值。这个电影让我感觉 电影艺术还在的同时,还让我意识到了传统的好莱坞大片已经越来越难捕获核心观众的,观众追求的内容和感受会变得更多样化。
Finally re-watched "Everything Everywhere all at once" and still couldn't resist crying from the middle to the end. However, it was not comparable to the first time I watched it last year, where I went on an emotional roller coaster, crying and laughing from start to finish. After finishing the film, I thought, "This is what a movie should be like, how can those industrually produced generic films of recent years have the audacity to show in theaters?" I was even still obsessed with it for several days after.
I summed up why I felt this way. In fact, the main core of the movie is the "nihilism unique to this era that arises from multiculturalism and informational explosion, and how to cope with it." Words cannot express the sensory stimulation that continuously increases throughout the film. A comment on Twitter expressed it well, "more is more," that's what's awesome about it. Because I had expectations for the plot and jokes/awkward moments this time, I couldn't follow the protagonist into a vortex of increasing information, emotions, and difficult choices like I did the first time. Every increase in information and feeling can resonate with the sense of powerlessness and emptiness, that multi-cultural and experiences brought to us in reality. Basically, I have this constant feeling that the title "Everything Everywhere all at once" was so appropriate, and the overload of information and emotions was overwhelming.
However, I can also understand why many people in the Chinese-speaking community find the movie too noisy and boring. These problems seem to be faced only when a society has developed to a certain extent. In a society where behaviors like "reclaiming unpaid wages" or "caring about the lives of people at the bottom" are risky, and the lower class whose Maslow's needs are severely threatened, it is normal not to care about such intangible things. As for those who only see issues such as homosexuality and mother-daughter relationships, it can only be said that they are unwilling to understand even the characters' dialogue. But I also think that this movie is not difficult to empathize with for the middle class or young people who have try to understand the other's pain. Because the nihilism caused by the explosion of the different lifestyle/happiness on the internet is real. Especially for Gen Z, who grew up in a cultural conflict and emergency, many cried worse than me on Twitter and TikTok.
Regarding the film itself, I could talk about it for hours. My first impression after watching it was that the director and screenwriter were like a much more perfect version of myself. Some of the ideas that I had doubts and concerns about were expressed in a very humorous, interesting, and inclusive way. Some of the points that I liked include:
-The mixture of Cantonese/Mandarin/English, although I can quickly immerse myself in stories set in other cultural backgrounds, this combination of languages has become an important part of my experience and personality.
-The music is perfect and is already a part of the storytelling. It interacts with the sound produced by the environment/characters and becomes a part of the story. Moreover, it was composed by Son Lux. Plus there's "Clair de Lune" by Debussy, which I felt completely aligned with my music taste when I watched it for the first time.
-The actors performed well. Well I don't know what counts as good acting. However, throughout the movie, no character made me feel like it was out of place like in many other movies. In particular, Stephanie Hsu, who played the second female lead, was an essential character but did not win an Oscar, while Jamie Lee Curtis, who had less screen time, won the supporting actress award. And Michelle Yeoh, she's bassically a living meta to her character.I'm glad I live in a parallel universe where Jackie Chan wasn't the lead actor.
-The camera work and editing were perfect for a small team of six people, as many have already noted. The film used minimal CGI and relied heavily on camera work and editing, surpassing many Marvel movies in terms of visual appeal.
When I finished watching the film last year, I thought it would be challenging for a movie with such down-to-earth humor to win any awards. But it has gone from the Golden Globes to becoming the most awarded movie at the Oscars. Even if there were political correctness at play, I believe it was still deserving. This film made me feel that film art is still alive, while also making me aware that traditional Hollywood blockbusters are finding it increasingly difficult to capture their core audience, as viewers' tastes and preferences become more diverse.
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #EEAAO #Movie #Art #CulturalConflict #Nihilism #Happy