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Kind 30388
Corny Chat Slide Set with 1 items
Author Public Key
Published at
2024-07-14 18:17:54
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "04b5e2b89ca8414f7b4e80ca4eedcc5bc72d56f6193fb9da2b50426892c4e56f", "pubkey": "50de492cfe5472450df1a0176fdf6d915e97cb5d9f8d3eccef7d25ff0a8871de", "created_at": 1720981074, "kind": 30388, "tags": [ [ "name", "PPP Mix Tape Vol 1" ], [ "about", "Good Music" ], [ "image", "https://zaplinks.lol/insta/PuffPuffPaintMixTapeVol1.mp3" ], [ "alt", "Corny Chat Slide Set with 1 items" ], [ "L", "com.cornychat" ], [ "l", "Corny Chat Slide Set", "com.cornychat" ], [ "d", "Puff Puff Paint Mix Tape Vol 1" ], [ "r", "https://zaplinks.lol/insta/PuffPuffPaintMixTapeVol1.mp3", "Puff Puff Paint Mix Tape Vol 1" ] ], "content": "", "sig": "01758fb2d1262afa184aff2bd81f134748a4071c87ddd1f0f16735ec929d0c5b510e4f54663ea5d7d10c128a3bc199497f1b6c56a6c94cb1e984869bf3072d9d" }