Rich Maffeo on Nostr: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. And I got to thinking today about what I am most thankful ...
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. And I got to thinking today about what I am most thankful for – and it is not for what many would think.
I was a terrible person as I moved through my late teens and into my early twenties. ‘Terrible’ does not really describe it. ‘Evil’ is a better word. And some people reading this might think I am being too hard on myself. But if you knew what I’ve done, you’d change your mind. I was absolutely deserving of the full wrath of the Holy God because my lifestyle hurt so many – SO MANY – others.
I didn’t realize it at the time (of course) but I had no hope after my death of anything except an eternity – a ‘forever and ever’ – of agony and utter separation from my Creator.
Oh! But how that changed in December 1972 when I confessed my sins to God. In that moment, God REDIRECTED His full wrath against me for my sins onto Jesus.
It was God's Son who suffered the full and undiluted anger of the Father toward me for those sins. And, at the same time, the Father credited to me the full righteousness of His Son. It was an exchange accomplished only – ONLY – because of God's wonderful, marvelous, and matchless grace toward me.
St Paul said it well: [The Father] made [Christ] who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)
(to be continued)
I was a terrible person as I moved through my late teens and into my early twenties. ‘Terrible’ does not really describe it. ‘Evil’ is a better word. And some people reading this might think I am being too hard on myself. But if you knew what I’ve done, you’d change your mind. I was absolutely deserving of the full wrath of the Holy God because my lifestyle hurt so many – SO MANY – others.
I didn’t realize it at the time (of course) but I had no hope after my death of anything except an eternity – a ‘forever and ever’ – of agony and utter separation from my Creator.
Oh! But how that changed in December 1972 when I confessed my sins to God. In that moment, God REDIRECTED His full wrath against me for my sins onto Jesus.
It was God's Son who suffered the full and undiluted anger of the Father toward me for those sins. And, at the same time, the Father credited to me the full righteousness of His Son. It was an exchange accomplished only – ONLY – because of God's wonderful, marvelous, and matchless grace toward me.
St Paul said it well: [The Father] made [Christ] who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)
(to be continued)