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/ BroccoliRiceTofu
2025-03-22 19:37:01

BroccoliRiceTofu on Nostr: THE REUNION OF DARKNESS Chapter II It was a cold night when blessed Anna Maria Taigi ...

Chapter II
It was a cold night when blessed Anna Maria Taigi foretold, what would become a reality many years later. She was just an ordinary housewife, who led a good Christian life. Her reputation of miracle cures, reading hearts, and foretelling deaths were slowly becoming true. It wasn’t until she told the tale of what would eventually be known as the three days of darkness.
Anna Maria stated that there will be two punishments. The first one will consist of wars and revolution on a scale we have never seen before. The other will be sent from heaven, has an intense darkness, lasting three days where nothing will be seen. She continued telling that, ’the air will be laden with pestilence. It will be impossible to use any man-made light, except for blessed candles. Those who look out their window, or leave their home will fall dead on the spot.’ She somehow knew that the enemies of the church either they were known or unknown would perish over the whole earth during this universal darkness. Demons, in all sorts of hideous forms, would infect the air itself.
These prophecies continued later into the 19 century with the Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora. Her revelations are written down in her own words, that the world would lose its normal order. A dark wind would blow, and the sky would take on a morbid blue color. Mournful shrieks would fill the air like the roaring of a fierce lion, and blood curling echo’s would resound all over the Earth.
Blessed Elena Aieo again, let us know that the punishment over the whole earth would last for 70 hours. That the wicked will be crushed by clouds of fire and lightning. Some nations that completely disappear.
Blessed Mary of Jesus crucified, foretold of these three days. Her vision told of the people who gave ways to evil. They would perish, and only 1/4 of mankind would survive this darkness.
St Columba, although did not mention darkness, in the six century, did mention great wars, and unjust laws. Columba stated that people would live in ‘false ideals of the world, ‘ and ‘the church would be despoiled.’
Saint Hildegard said the world would be devastated by earthquakes, storms, waves of water and oceans would flood many countries.
Saint Casper del Bufalo foretold that the three days of darkness would leave the world covered with carcasses.
St Methodius informed the world that in the future, the enemies of Christ will boast of having conquered. The world created would be inescapable.
Anthony the Great, gave a warning to all mankind. This predicted that things will go so far astray that “all when men go mad, and if someone is seen who is not mad, they will attack him saying ‘you are mad, you’re not like us.’”
Saint Faustina Kowalska told us all the light in Heaven would be distinguished, and great darkness of the whole earth would come.
Saint Padre Pio often told of the darkness. His instructions were to keep your windows covered, and light a blessed beeswax candle. Do not go outside, for you will parish. There will be hurricanes and rain of fire; all beginning after a very cold night. Do not leave your house; those who do will be killed instantly by the wind will carry poisonous gas. Those who suffer and die innocently will be martyrs, but Satan will triumph after three nights. He also foretold the war of 1950 would begin the introduction to these events. The catastrophe will come upon the Earth, like a flash of lightning, and the light of the morning sun will be replaced by black darkness. The select few that God has chosen will not sleep during these days, unlike like the disciples in the garden of olives.The devastation will be great but in the end the Earth will be purified.
The first and seemingly most accurate prophecy of Saint Nilus, told us of times in the 1900s. He informed us that in the middle of the 20th century people will become unrecognizable. People's minds will grow cloudy, people's appearances will change and you won’t be able to distinguish men from women. He said this will begin the time of the antichrist. He told of times where there was no respect for parents, and all love will disappear. He told of the morals and traditions that would shift into falsehood and greed. When all this is achieved, unhappy people will spend their lives in comfort, without knowing that this truly is the deceit of the antichrist. From then on the days will shorten, and the enemy will lead all remaining, even the chosen, into temptation.
All of this was not new for mankind, especially for those who read scripture. For it was in Exodus 10:21-23, that darkness fell upon Egypt for three days during the 9th plague.In Isaiah 13:9-11, told of a desolate land. In Matthew, Mark and Luke darkness covered the Earth for three hours when Jesus died. Finally in the book of revelation 16:10, the fifth Angel, would pour a vile upon the seat of the beast bringing on the darkness and people will gnaw on their tongues for pain due.
People laughed and made jokes about the future, for no one truly believed you could know what would happen. These were just prophecies of mad men & mad women, who utilized fear in order to keep you from sin. Society was drunk on the knowledge of science. The laws of nature proved these things couldn’t happen. The prophecies continue to be ignored, and stored away in the depths of the Vatican archives. For anything that went against the salvation of man was to be extinguished.
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