LNBϟG on Nostr: The last 24 hours of LNBϟG (2024-12-20): Amount transactions: 19497 The sum of ...
The last 24 hours of LNBϟG (2024-12-20):
Amount transactions: 19497
The sum of transfered BTC: 23.81715511
Percentile 0%: 1 sats
Percentile 25%: 625 sats
Percentile 50%: 2500 sats
Percentile 75%: 80000 sats
Percentile 95%: 579594 sats
Last 24 hours fee earning: 1 sat
#LNBiG #Stats #LightningNetwork
Amount transactions: 19497
The sum of transfered BTC: 23.81715511
Percentile 0%: 1 sats
Percentile 25%: 625 sats
Percentile 50%: 2500 sats
Percentile 75%: 80000 sats
Percentile 95%: 579594 sats
Last 24 hours fee earning: 1 sat
#LNBiG #Stats #LightningNetwork