jackspirko on Nostr: https://m.primal.net/HaGw.jpg ` When the US got into Vietnam there were two kinds of ...

When the US got into Vietnam there were two kinds of "advisors" who told our government what we should do as to escalation or not in our involvement.
One type said - "How can people who use bows and arrows to fight helicopters win a war? Let's go end this with all our military power."
The other type said - "How can we expect to win a foriegn war on ground we don't control, against people willing to use bows and arrows against helicopters? We need to stay out of this."
Today in Washington there is a beautiful, black and somber wall with 58,000 names on it that died fighting that war. 100s of thousands came back with broken minds and bodies and we got nothing from it. Not to mention the 100s of thousand of Vietnamese we killed for no real reason.
Rather than learn that the second type of adviser was correct, we have continued this path and did it all over again, in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the end killing millions of innocent people who were no threat to us.
US loss of life was small compared to Vietnam but we have yet another generation of disabled, broken and PTSD laden men and women for again NO GAIN. We got exactly nothing out of these two wars, they cost us over a trillion dollars and the blood of both sides for NOTHING OF VALUE.
Now as we thump our chest, this time not even half a decade out of the last idiotic wars, we still haven't learned a damn thing and seemed hell bent on a broader middle eastern war.
Profits for Lockheed and General Dynamics seem far more important that American interests and the good of the American people.
And while at it we engaged in a proxy war that killed 500K Ukrainian Men and injured about a million. Wrecked their entire country and destroyed their future for 50 years, at least.
But hey Black Rock can make a fortune "investing in rebuilding" after it is over, they already put out a plan to do so. I am sure the US Congress will subsidize it as they make billions off the suffering we enabled. And yesterday a sitting senator applauded this because it "weakened Russia".
We have learned nothing from history, because the people in power have made sure it was impossible for anyone except a true independent thinker to do so.
If you read all this and it made sense to you it is likely that the world around you does not. It is likely uncomfortable. However it is worth it, it just means you can think for yourself in a world that largely can't.