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2024-09-30 08:46:10

Cyph3rp9nk on Nostr: A second front in the new world war has just been opened Aleksandr Dugin A brutal war ...

A second front in the new world war has just been opened

Aleksandr Dugin

A brutal war has begun to break out in the Middle East. After Israel's terrorist attack by using household appliances to mass murder Lebanese, a bombardment has been unleashed on the whole of South Lebanon. Israel has explicitly decided, after having been the victim of an attack, to launch a genocide on Gaza which is now being transferred to Lebanon. This attack means that other Shiite countries and movements such as Syria, Iraq, the Yemeni Zaidies and, most importantly, Iran (and perhaps at a later stage the Sunni countries) will join the fray. It is clear that Israel needs a war: a large-scale, ruthless, brutal one with biblical overtones it seems. This confrontation has no chance of becoming a one-off. The escalation of the conflict is predictable and the use of nuclear weapons, which Israel possesses and Iran apparently possesses, is not excluded. Of course, we are only talking about tactical nuclear weapons or “dirty” bombs, which in the context of humanity as such are not so deadly, but will affect the fate of the region catastrophically. The Lebanon war has several explanations, but we will focus on two:

First: the purpose and eschatological ideas driving Israel. It is important to understand the goals of the Jewish state. Of course, one could see Netanyahu's extreme radicalism as the result of psychological trauma after Hamas attacked Israel and took several hostages. It was a terrorist act, but Israel found nothing better to do than to respond to terror with widespread terror: a small terrorist act is met with gigantic terror, with no quarter, destroying everything and sparing no one. No one justifies the actions of Hamas, but what happened afterwards was genocide. Everyone condemned the Hamas attack and now everyone condemns Israel's genocide against the people of Gaza, except the collective West and its satellites. Double standards. The same will happen in Lebanon. The West is backing Israel as it did Zelensky's Nazi junta. And there is no reason to expect a change in this position (especially since Trump, while clearly despising Zelensky, is a staunch supporter of Israel).

But what does Netanyahu really want? The mental stress he is suffering does nothing to explain the real objectives of this war, which is only escalating. The fact is that Israel's situation on the eve of the Gaza war was generally stable. The main threat was demographics, since Israeli society is only a small ethno-religious island in the middle of an Arab sea; and it remains so even with the high birth rate not only of Orthodox Jews (haredim), but also of secular families. Even so, this number remains incomparably small compared to the Palestinians of the two bands and the population of the neighboring Arab countries, related to the Palestinians both ethnically and confessionally. In such a situation, it is not possible to strengthen Israel's position in the region, much less to colonize Palestinian lands with Israeli settlers. If this status quo were to be maintained, the State of Israel, as a State of the Jews, would be doomed to disappear after a certain period of time, even by virtue of demographics. All the more unthinkable is the realization of the right-wing Zionist project of Greater Israel from sea to sea. There is simply not enough population to colonize or develop these territories in the face of such a dense Arab mass surrounding them. In Gaza, we see the true objective of their attack: the physical genocide of Palestinians with forced displacement to drive those who survive out of Israel. As grisly as it sounds, this makes sense for Israel, being unable to abruptly change its own demographics it is still capable of destroying the Palestinian population, hampering their existence and the ethnic codes of its own eschatology.

However, all of the above would be hasty and unrealistic if it were not for the expectation that something extraordinary will happen and that this something will change the destiny of the world. This extraordinary event is not a “black swan”, but a real event: the coming of Mashiach. According to Jewish beliefs, before the coming of Mashiach (although, according to other versions, after his arrival, which explains the existence of anti-Zionist currents among Orthodox Jews), the Jews must return en masse to the Promised Land from all parts, proclaiming Jerusalem as their capital, and then demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque (the second most important shrine of Islam) to build in its place the Third Temple. Then the Messiah will come and all the nations of the world will worship him, for his authority will be absolute. This will be the time when the Jewish world empire will be established and the Jews, as the chosen ones, will rule all nations with a rod of iron. This is more or less the program openly advocated by the religious Zionists of Netanyahu's inner circle: Itamar Ben-Gvir, Bezalel Smotrich and their spiritual leaders Rav Kook, Meyer Kahane and Rabbi Dov Lior. Palestinian genocide according to this interpretation is a minor side effect due to the fundamental nature of the coming event. These are precisely those who support Netanyahu. The construction of Greater Israel and the eschatological wars they have unleashed make sense as a preparation for the coming of Mashiach. And it is no accident that Hamas has dubbed its terrorist incursion the “Al-Aqsa Flood.” It should also be noted that it is among the Shiites that this scenario of the demolition of the Al-Aqsa mosque and the beginning of the final war with the forces of the Dajjal (Antichrist) in the Holy Land appears clearly defined by several eschatological hadiths. In other words, Armageddon, in its truest sense, is breaking out in the Middle East: the End Times war. This is how Netanyahu and his entourage see it, but also, from a different perspective, religious Shiites. Of course, secular Israelis, who believe only in shekels and individual comfort, are quick to launch demonstrations against their own government. And secular Shiite circles - especially businessmen and young people - know absolutely nothing about eschatological hadith. But history is not run by them, as we can see, but by people with a greater awareness of the end of the world and the events they have unleashed.

The second explanation for the war in the Middle East is geopolitical in nature. The main dilemma of our time is the following: the unipolar world, i.e. the single hegemony of the West, is doing its best not to end and is setting the world on fire. Meanwhile, the multipolar world is raising its voice loudly and each of the civilizations existing in the world is insisting on strengthening its sovereignty and thus claiming its independence from the collective West, which inevitably leads to a struggle against hegemony. The first front of this war is Ukraine, where the Nazi regime in Kiev, established, equipped and supported by the collective West, is at war against us, Russia as a sovereign Orthodox-Eurasian civilization, one of the most important poles of the multipolar world and flagship of the anti-hegemonic struggle. The West is waging this war using foreign troops, but is preparing to attack Russia directly. In this context, the Middle East is yet another theater of the same war of the unipolar world against the multipolar world.

While in the eyes of Netanyahu and Zionists who believe in eschatology (Israel and the destiny of the Jewish people is inextricably linked to the coming of the Messiah as the center of the world) for Western globalists Israel is nothing more than a tool in their struggle to maintain their global hegemony. The Islamic world, which rejects liberal values, is seen as an antagonistic civilization. The collective West is gradually being drawn into a war against it. At the same time, the Shiites are the ideological vanguard of Islamic civilization, so the West's attacks fall mainly on them. The West hopes to use Israel to strike at one of the poles - the Islamic world - of the multipolar world. That is why Washington is now strengthening its alliances with its Sunni vassals, mainly the UAE. Washington does not believe in the Mashiach (but who knows?), however, opening a war front against the Islamic civilization, using militant Zionism and the Greater Israel project, is a perfect target for the globalists.

Next will come Taiwan and the outbreak of another conflict with one of the poles of the multipolar world: China. Again, the collective West will rely on regional vassals - Taiwan itself, Japan, South Korea - and try to push India into this conflict. Although India is another pole in the multipolar world, this whole move could precipitate a radicalization of decolonization and growing anti-Westernism in New Delhi, implying greater sovereignty for this country. The West carried out a color revolution against the pro-Indian government of Bangladesh led by Sheikh Hasina. Obviously, other war fronts are also being prepared in Africa and Latin America, as well as in various regions of the Islamic world. All these scenarios will decide the fate of the coming world order: either the West will retain its hegemony or the multipolar world will become a reality and the West will become one of several civilizations entitled to vote, but deprived of its status as hegemon and even world leader. But for the moment we are in the second phase: on the threshold of a major war in the Middle East.

Before figuring out how we should deal with this second front of the great changes taking place in world geopolitics, it is necessary to clearly understand the objectives of the global participants in this conflict and not to have unnecessary illusions about the rational and mystical-religious motives of the main forces at play. Today we need geopolitical realism that calmly and moderately takes into account all the fundamental factors of the complex situation in which Russia and all of humanity find themselves. Emotions must be set aside in favor of a cool-headed assessment of what is happening, including those dimensions that we were not used to taking into account during the Soviet and liberal era. In the past, everything was explained by ideology, economics, energy and the struggle for resources. All this is still present today, but it is certainly not the main problem. Eschatological, civilizational and planetary-geopolitical considerations carry much more weight. For too long we have studied matter and neglected the world of ideas. Yet it is ideas that move the world.

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