:daddy: on Nostr: djsumdog Caleb James DeLisle >... you know. I think back to some of the directors I ...
djsumdog (nprofile…l0gg) Caleb James DeLisle (nprofile…mj4q)
>... you know. I think back to some of the directors I met, all the meetings I was in. Shit, I had company dinner with a VP I totally forgot about! ... They don't know what's going on. They really don't. I didn't, even as I watched millions on balance sheets go to the dumbest fucking advertising campaigns the high ups though would make people healthier and reduce costs.
>Would I want that VP shot? Fuck no. I don't think his stuff helped, but from our limited interactions, he didn't seem like a bad person. The CEO was a total "figure head." We even had system admins say as such in meetings in front of our director. We could stay stuff like that back then.
I'd like to know how you could end up in a position like that and not understand how your decisions and company policies impact your customers. There's no way they could be that ignorant as to how their own industry works, how it's viewed by the people outside of it, and why they feel how they do. What sort of a bizarre bubble do they have to be in?
And if they are that ignorant, then one: holy shit that's even worse than I thought, and two: how do you think they're handling this right now? Is there even a shred of introspection, asking what would cause this, or is this "the peasants are revolting and I wish they would bathe more" levels of head-in-sand snobbery?
>What the hell is going on right now? Americans of all sides are saying we're okay with a murder and vigilante justice? This is bizarre man.
You must not understand our country very well is this surprises you. Americans have been open to the idea for two-plus centuries. This country is a tamed frontier. It's not two millennia of building on top of itself and kneeling before the local lord like most of the old world and the people aren't perfectly content waiting for the authority to see things their way and defer if they don't. It's Davy Crockett, Andrew Jackson, Wyatt Earp. It's coal miners getting so mad at their bosses that the Army has to literally bomb them into submission. It's throwing tea into Boston Harbor, it's living out of an actual hole in the ground with caked mud for your walls and having nothing to your name but a land deed, some seed, and a few ox, it's throwing your worldly possessions in a rickety wagon and walking 2000 miles because things might maybe be better on the other side of the continent. It's built from the blood and sweat of hardasses that take matters into their own hands when things don't go their way. It's the Europeans that said "No, I don't think I will" that ended up here and brought their bad attitudes with them and used that stubbornness and grit to turn a giant dirt patch into the preeminent superpower on the planet in less than 200 years. So yes, they're going to look at some empty suit that makes more money in a month than they'll see in a lifetime that profits off of telling dying children to eat shit and laugh and high five when someone gives him the business end of a 9mm. That is the American way.
>... you know. I think back to some of the directors I met, all the meetings I was in. Shit, I had company dinner with a VP I totally forgot about! ... They don't know what's going on. They really don't. I didn't, even as I watched millions on balance sheets go to the dumbest fucking advertising campaigns the high ups though would make people healthier and reduce costs.
>Would I want that VP shot? Fuck no. I don't think his stuff helped, but from our limited interactions, he didn't seem like a bad person. The CEO was a total "figure head." We even had system admins say as such in meetings in front of our director. We could stay stuff like that back then.
I'd like to know how you could end up in a position like that and not understand how your decisions and company policies impact your customers. There's no way they could be that ignorant as to how their own industry works, how it's viewed by the people outside of it, and why they feel how they do. What sort of a bizarre bubble do they have to be in?
And if they are that ignorant, then one: holy shit that's even worse than I thought, and two: how do you think they're handling this right now? Is there even a shred of introspection, asking what would cause this, or is this "the peasants are revolting and I wish they would bathe more" levels of head-in-sand snobbery?
>What the hell is going on right now? Americans of all sides are saying we're okay with a murder and vigilante justice? This is bizarre man.
You must not understand our country very well is this surprises you. Americans have been open to the idea for two-plus centuries. This country is a tamed frontier. It's not two millennia of building on top of itself and kneeling before the local lord like most of the old world and the people aren't perfectly content waiting for the authority to see things their way and defer if they don't. It's Davy Crockett, Andrew Jackson, Wyatt Earp. It's coal miners getting so mad at their bosses that the Army has to literally bomb them into submission. It's throwing tea into Boston Harbor, it's living out of an actual hole in the ground with caked mud for your walls and having nothing to your name but a land deed, some seed, and a few ox, it's throwing your worldly possessions in a rickety wagon and walking 2000 miles because things might maybe be better on the other side of the continent. It's built from the blood and sweat of hardasses that take matters into their own hands when things don't go their way. It's the Europeans that said "No, I don't think I will" that ended up here and brought their bad attitudes with them and used that stubbornness and grit to turn a giant dirt patch into the preeminent superpower on the planet in less than 200 years. So yes, they're going to look at some empty suit that makes more money in a month than they'll see in a lifetime that profits off of telling dying children to eat shit and laugh and high five when someone gives him the business end of a 9mm. That is the American way.