OpenStreetMap on Nostr: OpenStreetMap data is free, we only ask that you tell people about us in exchange¹. ...
OpenStreetMap data is free, we only ask that you tell people about us in exchange¹.
Some site use OSM without attribution, *and* hotlink to OSMF tile servers. 😭 Our data is free, but our servers cost time & money. 🖥 It's now even easier for you to report naughty sites like that. 📝 They can (eventually) be blocked from freeloading. We hope this will increase visibility of OSM! 👍 🎉
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#OpenStreetMap #OSM
¹ to simplify the OSM licence req's.
Some site use OSM without attribution, *and* hotlink to OSMF tile servers. 😭 Our data is free, but our servers cost time & money. 🖥 It's now even easier for you to report naughty sites like that. 📝 They can (eventually) be blocked from freeloading. We hope this will increase visibility of OSM! 👍 🎉
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#OpenStreetMap #OSM
¹ to simplify the OSM licence req's.