What is Nostr?
Dr. Fernando Morales
2024-07-02 00:18:06

Dr. Fernando Morales on Nostr: This is sad and true, I see it everywhere but especially amongst the poor beggers in ...

This is sad and true, I see it everywhere but especially amongst the poor beggers in the streets of Mexico, indigenous people are now replacing their traditional diets (albeit high in carbs) with ultraprocessed food, since it's cheap and easier to procure. I can understand the frustration of wishing these people had the knowledge and tools to better their lives, but knowing they'd reject it or not have the means to take advantage of this knowledge (bitcoin and carnivore).

That's why us bitcoiners and freedom minded individuals need to build, we need entrepreneurs and capitalists to help bring prices down while improving quality thanks to competition; we need educators to teach the current and future generations what money, health and being a human is.

Kid next to me has downed a bag of doritos, 2 pringles cans, 2 cans of coke, and a bag of cookies in the last 30 minutes. Hasn't come up for air once -- constant flow of carbs & sugar down the tube.

I guarantee his mother loves him very much, and wants him to grow up to be happy and healthy...She just has no clue how horrible of a foundation she's enabling him to build in his most crucial years.

Always tough to see these situations unfolding live in public, because the misconceptions are so clearly on display. It's not a lack of parental love problem -- It's a lack of education and financial freedom problem, which creates a default high-time-preference across the entire middle-to-lower class population.

Junk carbs & seed oils are taking hold all across Latinamerica. The people here are marginally healthier than in USA for now, but they're on the exact same track toward mass metabolic crisis, and closing in fast.

If you've been thinking about delving deeper into the rabbit hole of health/diet, and using your platform to spread the message, there's never been a more important time than now.

Future generations across the world need your voice now more than ever. You never know who may be listening when you post.

(P.S. bonus shoutout to people like Dr. Fernando Morales (npub1dd8…uvr6) who are creating high-signal health content in Spanish and other languages. This is a global battle, and these folks are doing incredible work in paving the way for their countries to escape the matrix).

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